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Civilization Mafia - GAME OVER - Barbarians win!


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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:

Good lord, you guys were just trolling us so hard at this point. You intentionally hit one of your own, knowing they wouldn't die, JUST so that you could use it as a cover for Touch down the road? Jesus, we never had a chance.


One the Hagia was built, it was game over, but we were twisted up from the start

That was actually just Touch's plan. He entered catzy as an unknown and didn't tell the other who he was. They decided to hit Touch without knowing he was on their team. 

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10 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

Biggest mistake was helping us show what roles were taken. Gave us a huge advantage

I had the whole thing mapped out.

When I was talking with MD4L I was trying to get more information out of me but he was talking nonsense.


 I was thrown off by just a couple of things, and then once I couldn't trust anything anyways I didn't know how to proceed

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1 minute ago, Tk3 said:


Very interesting that UA/Gopher both went for Stonehenge. You used my own strategy against me by taking a role just to stop the other team from having it. Didn't suspect you guys would do that.

Good lord, you guys were just trolling us so hard at this point. You intentionally hit one of your own, knowing they wouldn't die, JUST so that you could use it as a cover for Touch down the road? Jesus, we never had a chance

We really wanted stonehenge out of civs hands. 


We had no idea touch was mafia until after we hit him. Really we didn’t know until we got Sophia and he slipped who he was in [spam] 

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2 minutes ago, Whicker said:

Okay, so apart from the balance issues (which I fully admit were present), what did you all think about the set up of this game? Was the setup (like everyone starting vanilla) the main cause for the slowness at the beginning? Was it the Resolutions? Did you all enjoy the drafting mechanic?

paged because I would like some thoughts on this

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10 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Sorry tk I had to lol


The entire 2nd half of the game I was like... Someone is pulling strings that I can't track.

I thought it was Dome.

And I knew it was Hagia related.

I wanted you out because I knew you were the most dangerous potential mafia, but you had like... 5 corroborated pieces of evidence between BCB and the Colosseum that I don't know how I could have stuck with my guns.

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

Okay, so apart from the balance issues (which I fully admit were present), what did you all think about the set up of this game? Was the setup (like everyone starting vanilla) the main cause for the slowness at the beginning? Was it the Resolutions? Did you all enjoy the drafting mechanic?

I felt like there was too much going on, and that led to a lot of the inactivity IMO

i liked the mechanic and way you put it together, but I think a good number of people just sign up and play without reading much so they’re not gonna be as involved

good game whicker, looking forward to a followup

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3 minutes ago, Tk3 said:


@domepatrol91 why, Dome? Why? Same to Mission, but I know the answer there.

Very interesting that UA/Gopher both went for Stonehenge. You used my own strategy against me by taking a role just to stop the other team from having it. Didn't suspect you guys would do that.


This threw me as much as anything else. I assumed when ET failed, it meant a civ had to have won it. I didn't think that there were enough mafia that TWO of you could have tried it. It corroborated Touch.


Good lord, you guys were just trolling us so hard at this point. You intentionally hit one of your own, knowing they wouldn't die, JUST so that you could use it as a cover for Touch down the road? Jesus, we never had a chance.


One the Hagia was built, it was game over, but we were twisted up from the start

Cool story ..... mafia didn’t know I was mafia until after the hit. I convinced them to hit me lol without even knowing I was mafia

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11 minutes ago, Whicker said:

For the record, MD4L DID send me that exact PM that he posted. He just send me another PM 30 seconds later that said no build

Words cannot explain how confused I was by my exchange with him.

Sometimes when I get into my zones I get a little abrasive. So I regret being rude to him, but wtf

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If I had known we were dealing with 5 scum instead of possibly 2 more, I would've protected myself instead of TK3, but I figured with only at most 2 left they would look to take out confirmed civs expecting bcb to be unable to be killed due to protection, I'd just protect TK3 from being hit, most likely to be hit as he was 100% cleared and a good player, no offense LTBF, but damn.  Oh, well it's all good.

@Whicker I think it was slow because we all had a bunch of stuff going on in our lives and might've been a little burnt out on mafia right now.  There were what 3 straight 300+ page games including a 400+ page game.  It might've just been that.  Also not having abilities to start makes it a little hard as we don't get any information besides reads which often can get obscured in all this, maybe have the Civs start out with one person having an investigative ability, similar to how scum start out with the factional hit, and then go from there.  Both sides would be able to lookto get a lot more information out there as well.  Also the roles were really inbalanced, even the resolutions seemed vastly in favor of scum half the time.

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3 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

I had the whole thing mapped out.

When I was talking with MD4L I was trying to get more information out of me but he was talking nonsense.


 I was thrown off by just a couple of things, and then once I couldn't trust anything anyways I didn't know how to proceed

That was mostly poor execution on my part. I'm not sure what you wanted me to say.

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1 minute ago, MD4L said:

That was mostly poor execution on my part. I'm not sure what you wanted me to say.

I was just really frustrated cause it felt like you were having a different conversation than everyone else. Lol

getting info from you was like pulling teeth and definitely didn’t do any favors in convincing anyone of what you were saying 

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8 minutes ago, gopherwrestler said:

We did have to guess on who you picked

The problem for the civs was, with the Hagia/ND construct, you DIDN'T have to guess, it was right in front of you.

I wanted to use it on MY votes because to me it would have been more telling.

But the second I put two and two together that it could be tampered with, I knew we were screwed. The only hope I had was that you guys had all taken roles by that point, but the fact that there were 5 of you really shuts that down.

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