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Cowboys off season - training camp is almost here!!!


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2 hours ago, DaBoys said:

My problem is that the TEAM seems to feel the blame was more WRs than QB and the OC when I thought it was pretty obvious all had warts 

This is where my issue lies. Dak had issues. Dez had issues. And, the play caller had issues. 

The Dez comment is just ridiculous. We all agree there were too many drops, but good lord. When I read it, it comes off as snide and bitter. It's just the type of stupid drama that teams should avoid. 

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1 minute ago, WizardHawk said:

This is where my issue lies. Dak had issues. Dez had issues. And, the play caller had issues. 

The Dez comment is just ridiculous. We all agree there were too many drops, but good lord. When I read it, it comes off as snide and bitter. It's just the type of stupid drama that teams should avoid. 

A lot of the issues all had seemed to be tied into each other, which is the real problem. Dak missing throws can be attributed to really crappy windows. The tight windows can be attributed to Daks lack of understanding on anticipating the window. The lack of understanding can stem from a lack of trust in the receiver after several drops. All of them can be tied into the OC calling plays that make windows small and reads hard on a young passer. Which could then be attributed to forced playcalling due to protection issues and playing from behind. Which can also be the result of a star running back not playing to expectations and then neing suspended, leading to extra blitzes down the middle right at said QB. 

Many problems, all tied together. The only real way to fix it is to wipe the slate clean, improve the roster/depth, and let the young players continue to learn. Another year of study and hard work goes a long way.

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45 minutes ago, flyingmonkey30 said:

I like the Ealy pick up. In his three years with a 4-3 team, he had at least five sacks in each year. This could be a Jeremy Mincey/George Selvie type of reclamation project that could pay dividends as a rotational rusher.

He has a lot of potential still. 

However, there is a reason Carolina let him go despite being a better fit for their even man front. And a reason he didnt fit in NE even on their nickel 4 down lineman front. 

And Ealy wont be gifted opportunities here. Not with this current depth - so Selvie and Mincey comparisons arent really accurate. Those guys had little competition for chances to take the field. Here, Ealy needs to beat out someone of value or versatility to get those chances. Be it Taco, Crawford or even Tapper. And if he can only neat out Tapper, he will still have minimal opportunity.

I like the signing. It is the exact kind of tire kicking, peek into the garbage can, rechecking that old scratch off ticket that can pay off. But realistically, everything is ultimately against him. And if he can beat out Taco for opportunities, with the value invested in him..that says an awful lot about the way Charlton's career is likely to go. 

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I like the signing, but I agree our depth is better and we saw Demontre Moore flame out here last year, and a lot of us were semi happy about that pick up as well. I know they don't want to slow down Taco anymore. I should probably temper my expectations.


But a really solid pickup on paper, and our FA turned out nicee.

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Regarding the Dak/Dez debate, I am surprised NOBODY mentioned this little tid bit. Dez was NOT the leading WR in Dak's rookie year. Cole Beasley was. Granted, he played 3 more games than Dez, but he finished with 25 more receptions. 51, I believe, for 1st downs as opposed to Dez's 30 something. Dez had more TD's but it is clear to me that Beasley was Dak's go to guy.

It seems to me that opposing defenses also knew this and limited Beasley's production this year forcing Dak to go elsewhere. Compounded with our O line struggles, missing our best player for 6 games and increasing Dak's role as the QB all lead to his regression. But to the original point of taking Beasley away, look at the difference in where he finished only 1 year later in receptions, TD's, 1st downs, percentage and where he finished on the depth chart in leading WR.


Beasley went from 1st to 5th. Now that HAD to stir some confidence issues with Dak. Also, look at the number of drops Dez had in that span. 1 in 2016 to 6 in 2017. Again, how many times are you going to go to a guy that drops the ball in clutch situations, some leading to INTs?

I can't be sure, but I believe much of Dak's regression is the result of defenses taking away his "security blanket" in Beasley and forcing him to hang on to the ball a little longer and try to get it to Dez. I also believe this played into his accuracy issues because Beasley could get better separation than Dez making Dak's throws less prone to being deflected or picked.

Just a theory.

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10 hours ago, Dallas94Ware said:

Our FA period definitely turned out well; and i told you guys back in mid.march to mellow out with the hatred and doomsday sky is falling nonsense because the team wasnt runnijg out and overpaying for every free agent who's name you knew :P

They tried to overpay top names just got out bid. 

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1 hour ago, Rtnldave said:


Regarding the Dak/Dez debate, I am surprised NOBODY mentioned this little tid bit. Dez was NOT the leading WR in Dak's rookie year. Cole Beasley was. Granted, he played 3 more games than Dez, but he finished with 25 more receptions. 51, I believe, for 1st downs as opposed to Dez's 30 something. Dez had more TD's but it is clear to me that Beasley was Dak's go to guy.

It seems to me that opposing defenses also knew this and limited Beasley's production this year forcing Dak to go elsewhere. Compounded with our O line struggles, missing our best player for 6 games and increasing Dak's role as the QB all lead to his regression. But to the original point of taking Beasley away, look at the difference in where he finished only 1 year later in receptions, TD's, 1st downs, percentage and where he finished on the depth chart in leading WR.


Beasley went from 1st to 5th. Now that HAD to stir some confidence issues with Dak. Also, look at the number of drops Dez had in that span. 1 in 2016 to 6 in 2017. Again, how many times are you going to go to a guy that drops the ball in clutch situations, some leading to INTs?

I can't be sure, but I believe much of Dak's regression is the result of defenses taking away his "security blanket" in Beasley and forcing him to hang on to the ball a little longer and try to get it to Dez. I also believe this played into his accuracy issues because Beasley could get better separation than Dez making Dak's throws less prone to being deflected or picked.

Just a theory.

Beasley became the go to guy that season because of two huge reasons..

1. the playcalling dictated it. A lot of quick timing patterns designed to get the ball out fast and let the receiver make extra yardage. A good concept to protect a rookie QB.

2. Beasley was the only target getting separation. A rookie QB looks for those windows of opportunity. When they are tight, their prefefence is usually to not throw that way. They want the larger windows, it is easier to see and recognize. While not all NFL windows will be as noticeable as in college, and they need to learn the NFL windows, as a rookie you will notice those shifty slot receivers become your best friend as they often have the largest openings.


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As much as I hate to say it, I personally feel like zeke's off-the-field business this season really threw off the tempo for a young team, especially Prescott.

As well as Zeke peformed It would be unfair to say he put his full 100% into this year with the drama in the courts.

I think at this stage in his career Dak & Zeke are a package deal when it comes to our success, they both have natural chemistry with each other as play-makers.

Having zeke not being able to put more time into the game and the fact Dak had to play without him for 6 games really made him uncomfortable. And that's fine, he is a young QB and let's not pretend even Romo  succeeded without a running game. 

But I don't feel like Zeke is just a security blanket for Dak, he's also his most reliable playmaker. As fans we hope that our young players develop chemistry, I think we got that.


I'm as pissed at our last season as anybody but I will give Prescott the benefit of doubt with zeke there for  whole season, wish you guys would too.

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You know, I dont believe Zeke performed well. Outside of a few games like San Fran, his numbers were pedestrian, and beyond the stats (they never tell the story on their own)...he didnt run hard. Even during that SF game i commented several times on this forum he was going down way too easily. Losing his balance with single handed tackle attempts. 

Beyond the SF game, he just didnt look to finish as often. He didnt push, he went down. He ran more like Murray than Ezekiel Elliott. Maybe distraction, maybe arrogance, maybe a number of things...blocking, 8 in the box, whateber, but he didnt run with the same fire as his rookie year. 

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53 minutes ago, Dallas94Ware said:

You know, I dont believe Zeke performed well. Outside of a few games like San Fran, his numbers were pedestrian, and beyond the stats (they never tell the story on their own)...he didnt run hard. Even during that SF game i commented several times on this forum he was going down way too easily. Losing his balance with single handed tackle attempts. 

Beyond the SF game, he just didnt look to finish as often. He didnt push, he went down. He ran more like Murray than Ezekiel Elliott. Maybe distraction, maybe arrogance, maybe a number of things...blocking, 8 in the box, whateber, but he didnt run with the same fire as his rookie year. 

Yeah 100% agree. I personally think he handled the whole drama well as well as anybody could..but that still wasn't enough for us to replicate his running style from his rookie season.

We just have to be realistic guys, it must have been mentally and physically taxing to fight domestic abuse accusations and play an NFL season. 

But I like the fact he cared enough to still try despite everything, a lot of players would have mailed it in and used it as an excuse.

That being said, I hope all this is behind him, I personally think his court issue derailed our entire team.


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Supposedly Dez got called into a meeting with Stephen Jones today. He was supposed to show up to a fundraiser in Canada with Tyrone Crawford and had to cancel his flight today.

May be news to come.

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