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BAZINGA! Sheldon is ours! (1 yr, $11 mil, p. 11)

vike daddy

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as good as our new Wall is, not one of them is better than their counterparts on the Purple People Eaters of the 70's.

  • Hunter < Carl Eller
  • Richardson < Alan Page
  • Linval < Doug Sutherland (or maybe not...)
  • Griffen < Jim Marshall

that's how damn good awesome that line was.

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7 minutes ago, vike daddy said:

as good as our new Wall is, not one of them is better than their counterparts on the Purple People Eaters of the 70's.

  • Hunter < Carl Eller
  • Richardson < Alan Page
  • Linval < Doug Sutherland (or maybe not...)
  • Griffen < Jim Marshall

that's how damn good awesome that line was.

I can only like this post once!!! 

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Richardson will become the fourth starter in four seasons at three-technique following Sharrif Floyd in 2015, Shamar Stephen in 2016 and Johnson last year. Spielman is unsure if Stephen will return, saying he had gone on a free-agent visit to a team he didn’t name.

Zimmer: “Obviously, we felt like one of the positions we needed to get better at on defense was our three-technique. It is one where those guys can affect the quarterback as much as any position along with our defensive ends. He didn’t have a lot of sacks, but as I’ve said before, sacks are not our No. 1 goal.’’

Spielman: “The one thing that we talked about is if you put yourself in the right situation with the right team and the right coaches, there’s no reason why he shouldn’t be in the Pro Bowl year in, year out. He definitely has the physical ability to do that.’’


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Love this signing. Richardson is awesome. I watch the Seahawks closely — he was up there with Bennett as their best DL last year. 

Richardson’s a better and more complete player than Sharrif Floyd was even at his best, before the injury. His game isn’t about snap anticipation and jumping into gaps (unlike Floyd). He’s got a much better power game, fighting through blocks and pushing people around (when Floyd got locked up one on one, he often couldn’t get back in the play). He’s a nasty pass rusher, gets upfield and collapses the pocket. Last DT the Vikings had with his skill set was prime era Kevin Williams. 

Vikings DL with Richardson is going to be especially good against the run. Griffen and Hunter are two of the better run defending DEs in the the league. Linval Joseph is nearly impossible to run against, and he commands double teams, meaning Richardson is going to be single blocked most of the time. If he plays up to his potential next to Joseph, they’ll be in Williams Wall territory.

I thought Richardson would only want a long term contract. He probably didn’t have the market he wanted coming off a year when he played well but didn’t put up sack numbers. Looks like he’s betting on himself, expecting to put up much better stats on a high profile defense this year, leverage that into a higher paying extension — basically what Alshon Jeffrey did with the Eagles last year. If it works out and his production rebounds to his first couple of years, I really hope he gives the Vikings the chance to lock him up long term.

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8 minutes ago, Krauser said:

Richardson or Kendricks. 

Richardson over Kendricks. Barr is more important than Diggs to me. Hunter more important than Diggs as well to me.

1 year deal was Richardson's choice, not ours. Shamar might be back maybe, Johnson no. They are doing DB study.

Philly DL (full rotation) is still better then ours. But we closed gap a little. Philly still holds a bigger OL gap. 

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If they all play to their abilities, this is my order of re-signing. 

1. Sheldon Richardson - plays the most important position out of the five and we’ve struggled to find a consistent interior pass rusher that is also very good against the run. Easy prioritization for me if he plays to the levels he has. 

2. Danielle Hunter - if he returns to form, he would be next on my list. Young pass rushers are at a premium and he’s very good against the run. Griffen is getting up there in years as well. 

3. Stefon Diggs - we’ve struggled to find dynamic, outside, playmakers on this team for years. Now that we have a couple, there’s no way I’d let either of them go. We have a new QB and need to give him the weapons to help him out. 

4. Anthony Barr - if he plays to the level he did last year he’s a very valuable piece, but his positional importance isn’t super high, especially behind the defensive line we’ve assembled. I’m also worried about his mentality once he cashed in but perhaps that’s overstated 

5. Eric Kendricks - I really enjoy watching Kendricks but I think he would be the easiest place to replace behind that defensive line. Ben Gedeon might even be able to fill that role. 

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1 hour ago, rpmwr19 said:

If they all play to their abilities, this is my order of re-signing. 

1. Sheldon Richardson - plays the most important position out of the five and we’ve struggled to find a consistent interior pass rusher that is also very good against the run. Easy prioritization for me if he plays to the levels he has. 

2. Danielle Hunter - if he returns to form, he would be next on my list. Young pass rushers are at a premium and he’s very good against the run. Griffen is getting up there in years as well. 

3. Stefon Diggs - we’ve struggled to find dynamic, outside, playmakers on this team for years. Now that we have a couple, there’s no way I’d let either of them go. We have a new QB and need to give him the weapons to help him out. 

4. Anthony Barr - if he plays to the level he did last year he’s a very valuable piece, but his positional importance isn’t super high, especially behind the defensive line we’ve assembled. I’m also worried about his mentality once he cashed in but perhaps that’s overstated 

5. Eric Kendricks - I really enjoy watching Kendricks but I think he would be the easiest place to replace behind that defensive line. Ben Gedeon might even be able to fill that role. 

Yeah, I could be on board with this. I’m torn between Diggs and Barr, but totally understand the rationale for keeping Diggs over Barr. 

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Arguments could be made either way but with what we have in the secondary and in the front four, the two linebacker spots just drop in importance for me and finding guys to run and hit at those positions is easier than finding players at the other spots. 


In my opinion. 

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4 hours ago, vike daddy said:

as good as our new Wall is, not one of them is better than their counterparts on the Purple People Eaters of the 70's.

  • Hunter < Carl Eller
  • Richardson < Alan Page
  • Linval < Doug Sutherland (or maybe not...)
  • Griffen < Jim Marshall

that's how damn good awesome that line was.

Hey wasn’t it Gary Larsen not Doug Sutherland?

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