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***Spoiler Thread*** Avengers: Infinity Wars


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2 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

But you claiming that you think i'm a DC fanboy and i'm upset about it "killing the entire DC connected universe" really makes me feel like you are an upset Marvel fan right now.

I've been called worse, so if it helps you sleep at night, go ahead.

3 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

The flaws I listed are not "trumped up drivel".

Yes they are.

No Hulk, OMGZ - Yeah, they spent a whole movie with Banner as Hulk, now they're investigating the other side of this duality. Hulk is going to have to find his peace with Bruce, and Bruce is going to have to find his peace with Hulk for the "good guys" to win.

All the new peoplez are dead - They are doing a 2nd movie, where they will probably have to resurrect the dead people. Probably at the expense of the original four.

Why didn't Dr. Strange go hook up with Thanos's mom - Seriously? Are you 13?

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8 hours ago, Bullet Club said:

Objectively bad is the most laughable thing said in this thread. Objective does not mean what you think it means. And I can’t speak for anyone else but I’m a much bigger DC fan than Marvel. Absolutely not a Marvel fan boy. I despise Avengers 2.

Cause it was bad

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Every time everybody disagrees with TXSteeler, everbody else is a troll. 

It's terrible writing because a movie paying millions upon millions of dollars to actors paid the wrong actor to be in it.  Terrible writing.  Terrible.  Lol. 

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He should write some fan fiction scripts and post them here.  Avengers: Affairs of Future Past


Dr. Strange goes back in time, has an affair with Thanos' mom.  Raises Thanos with a loving hand and tells him to be more psychotic like The Joker instead of wanting to balance the universe. 

Hawkeye shows up more frequently than Bruce Banner.


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8 hours ago, Calvert28 said:

He had motivation. To find the Space Stone. He beat the Hulk fairly easy with the Power Stone on which gives him unlimited power, he's already a demi-god at this stage. So it's not needed to show how he beat Thor and Loki and Heimdall. Hulk who is shown time and time again to be pretty much unstoppable got his azz handed to him. And I think that's why he refuses to come out later. It's the first time he's been ever made to feel truly afraid. As for Heimdall, he needed to save at least one person. And Hulk was the closest to him. Not Loki or Thor otherwise I am sure he would have sent Thor. Dude just tried to save someone with his dying breaths.

The Hulk not showing up is more of a plot device im guessing because I doubt they ran out of money. Yea and Strange was able to portal the big dumb one. Thanos has shown he's pretty much more cunning then anyone else in the series. He already had the reality and space stone. Even if Strange cut him in half he could just tap a finger and have his lower half restored. I mean he could technically do it to only his arm. But then again he was too busy holding on to his other one and they were fighting against Thanos of all people.

I don't believe that's what happened. Im fairly certain Stark convinced Strange to take the fight to Thanos on Titan rather then the amount of damage he could have done on Earth while fighting them. Plus don't insult Squidward, he at the very least had a send off that included fighting against 3 super humans, one the smartest tech guy on Earth, another a guy with some serious fighting and stealth moves for support, and the Sorcerer Supreme which is like >=x1000 Kylo Ren flicking his finger.

You do know they can only fit so much into one movie right? And the collector is not Dr. Strange, or Thor, or some supremely powerful being. He stood no chance against Thanos what so ever. And that make believe scene Thanos put on more then likely was how it went down anyways.

If you watch GOTG 2 they kinda reconciled and they come to understand that both eachother suffered dearly with Thanos. Nebula actually suffered far more because of Gamora. So that probably played a part in her decision.

I agree somewhat that Pratt didn't make much sense considering Thanos was in a trance. So he shouldn't have been talking to him in the first place instead try to get the glove off. But Strange again was busy dealing with one arm. His Hands were literally full.

I like where your heads at with the time traveling porn thing. But Strange just can't go back in time just like that and poof everything is better. They explain it in Dr. Strange that is unbelievably dangerous. He could do more damage then Thanos does. Strange did what he saw in the 1 version where they win. And that's gonna be the big reveal in the last movie.

Only the power stone he gets off screen. The rest he gets on screen. And yea they give it to him normally, after he tortures them for awhile to get it out of them. A persons will is only so strong you know.

Ok I'll give this one to you as well. Thats 2 plot holes. This one being minor though.

The Hulk Buster is CGI. Again they did not run out of money. I agree that Ruffalo wasn't great, but then again there are so many different actors that needed screen time this movie was never going to be perfect script wise. Banner was there to deliver a message and make some humor. He failed the 2nd part for half the movie. But as far as rampaging Hulk. That's what got Thor for. They wanted to make this first movie a losing battle. Hulk not coming out is a plot device.

Well they were giving the reason for Thanos quest for the stones. Had they given him no backstory to it. You would have been in here complaining that he killed half the universe for no reason. Also I want you to say with a straight face that you expected him to win this movie? That has never happened in a Super Hero film. Stop that crap.

Most people here don't think their dead. Thanos has the soul stone. Meaning they are probably trapped inside.

I'm starting to wonder if you saw the rest of the 18 movies. YOu wouldn't need serious detail for anyone but Thanos who they explained. Infact the entire movie was with him being the main character basically. Besides a few questionable things. They pulled an incredible movie.

I was clearly joking about them running out of money, and My entire point of them dying being "fake" is that it's a terrible cop out. Nobody really died.

This movie had three deaths, Heimdall was was already on the ground bleeding and done for gets stabbed in the chest. Loki gets his throat crushed (and he is the trickster god so what are the chances he is dead for real?) and Gamora gets sacrificed to the soul stone. If she is inside the soul stone who is to say she won't come back when Disney has to bring back the stars to the rest of their billion dollar franchises?

I bet at the end of this day the only person who really died was Heimdall, and he hasn't died before so everybody knows the rest of the avengers can just gather the dragonballs and wish him back.

This movie was hyped about the avengers losing but they lost nothing, nobody of importance died permanently (or even movie mode semi permanently) during this movie.

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14 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

Mad? Not quite. I'm just having a hard time believing your complaints are anything but "going against the grain". You desperately trying to tell us otherwise while only playing the "fanboy" card doesn't really help your case, either.

Of all of your takes, you have one single legitimate gripe - Hemidall sending Hulk instead of Loki. Rest of it is pretty much laid out for anyone watching the movie, but it seems as if it went over your head. Others try to draw it out for you, and you play the fanboy card. 

Read my post at the end of page 23. I think most of the writing was terrible in this movie. You are defending it by claiming that "I can't understand the plot". No I understand it perfectly, the writing is just trash. If a movie is gonna make moves I don't enjoy, thats fine, but don't do it in such a lazy and sloppy way.

You're completely ignoring my point about all the death's from Thano's "snap" being fake to, that's not a legitimate gripe?

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10 minutes ago, EliteTexan80 said:

I've been called worse, so if it helps you sleep at night, go ahead.

Yes they are.

No Hulk, OMGZ - Yeah, they spent a whole movie with Banner as Hulk, now they're investigating the other side of this duality. Hulk is going to have to find his peace with Bruce, and Bruce is going to have to find his peace with Hulk for the "good guys" to win.

All the new peoplez are dead - They are doing a 2nd movie, where they will probably have to resurrect the dead people. Probably at the expense of the original four.

Why didn't Dr. Strange go hook up with Thanos's mom - Seriously? Are you 13?

That's my point, it made this whole movie pointless. What was the point in watching something that will be reversed so quickly and so obviously?

The second part was a joke. Why didn't Strange go back in time and collect the rest of the infinity stones himself? Why didn't he tell Peter to not ruin his own plan? Cause he saw 14 million paths and the only one that made sense was this? That is bad writing man.

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Just now, TXsteeler said:

The second part was a joke. Why didn't Strange go back in time and collect the rest of the infinity stones himself? Why didn't he tell Peter to not ruin his own plan? Cause he saw 14 million paths and the only one that made sense was this? That is bad writing man.

You're neglecting the part where Strange DID, in fact, go back and observe some 14 million possibilities only to say that this is the way things have to go.  You're pouting because you are choosing to pout without all the requisite information.  This is a two part movie.  What you are doing is pouting.  This is tantamount to complaining about Luke not ending up with Leia at the end of Empire Strikes Back.  You do not have all the information.  Other people realize this, you do not.  Selfish pouting. 

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1 minute ago, HorizontoZenith said:

You're neglecting the part where Strange DID, in fact, go back and observe some 14 million possibilities only to say that this is the way things have to go.  You're pouting because you are choosing to pout without all the requisite information.  This is a two part movie.  What you are doing is pouting.  This is tantamount to complaining about Luke not ending up with Leia at the end of Empire Strikes Back.  You do not have all the information.  Other people realize this, you do not.  Selfish pouting. 

That's bad writing tho...


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