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***Spoiler Thread*** Avengers: Infinity Wars


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8 hours ago, Jakuvious said:

I'm a lifelong DC fanboy that started watching the MCU both confident and hopeful that DC would phenomenally outdo it, and I thought Infinity War was spectacular. When the overwhelming majority likes something, kind of regardless of background/experience, the fan boy claim loses all clout. And I want to say, there are criticisms to be had, but most of them in your post were just non-sense points that make it seem like you didn't pay attention during the movie. I do think there are valid complaints to be had about the Spidey/Strange/IM/GoTG fight versus Thanos on Titan, for instance. The seeing into the future thing explains it but is also just kind of a crap plot point, generally. I can understand people saying there was just a lot in the movie. But when you're saying things like you don't get Thanos's motivations or why Banner stays Banner all movie, you're saying that you missed plot points that were thoroughly fleshed out across multiple dedicated scenes and several conversations/interactions. That's not the movie, that's you.

And let's be clear here, when you come in to ANY thread on ANY forum, and start out with "X is trash, you're all fanboys" you're clearly not trying to have a conversation or share your objective opinion on the topic.

Maybe we should temper the “overwhelming majority talk”. 

It currently has a lower RT score than Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier,  Black Panther, Thor Ragnorak, Spider-Man Homecoming, Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s not some end all be all. 

I generally liked it but you could tell it was really bloated in parts and shoved way too much in there without all of it having a satisfying payoff for all of it. And I’ve seen plenty of people say the deaths at the end all felt fake (because it generally is, anyone whose seen a reality bending story knows that). 

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7 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?  My point is that the things happened the way they happened because out of a very large amount of possibilities that Strange saw, this was the only way things could end successfully.  Did you really believe I thought it was possible for Marvel to make 14 movies based on alternate timelines, much less 14 million?  If you do, you and TXSteeler deserve each other's commiserating company. 

No you’re just being a mindless fanboy. Yeah that was the in story justification. Doesn’t mean it makes contextual sense. 

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5 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I agree with TXSteeler on this one.  I don't think they're dead.  I think they're gone, not dead, but that's a part of it.  Every little detail has been planned.  It's grand scheme plotting by Strange, it's not some cop out.  For all you know, the exact plan to get Thanos at the point he was at when he snapped his fingers, he wasn't capable of KILLING them, only capable of making them disappear. 

They aren't dead, true, but it happened this way for a reason.  Show patience, wait for the explanation. 

Nah dude. They died. I saw it live, srry.

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4 minutes ago, lancerman said:

If you are naive enough to think the studio is even capable of thinking up 14 million possibilities or that this ends in a way where only one possible successful outcome could be written. It was just a bs number to make the odds look bigger than they are. 

Aka, bad writing. Every 7 year old in that theater knew strange would say "one", the cliche was so obvious.

Here, I'll fix that whole scene for you for free.

Strange comes out of looking at the future and Starlord (not ironman) asks him what he was doing.

Strange says he saw all 14 million possible outcomes. 

Starlord asks how many they win.

Strange looks very troubled and asks him what he defines as a win.

Starlord makes a joke and mentions everybody making it out alive and happily ever after.

Strange looks at Tony and says "none".

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Just now, lancerman said:

I’m gonna miss Spider-Man 

Tom Holland was fantastic. Legit felt horrible for Peter in that instance. It's a shame this was his last performance.

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2 minutes ago, lancerman said:

Maybe we should temper the “overwhelming majority talk”. 

It currently has a lower RT score than Iron Man, Avengers, Winter Soldier,  Black Panther, Thor Ragnorak, Spider-Man Homecoming, Civil War, Doctor Strange, and Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s not some end all be all. 

I generally liked it but you could tell it was really bloated in parts and shoved way too much in there without all of it having a satisfying payoff for all of it. And I’ve seen plenty of people say the deaths at the end all felt fake (because it generally is, anyone whose seen a reality bending story knows that). 

Top 10ish IMDB score of all time. RT is garbage but their users have it at 93%. Even if you do use the historically laughable critic score 84% is still a very high percentage. Statistically it’s an overwhelming majority.

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1 minute ago, TXsteeler said:

Aka, bad writing. Every 7 year old in that theater knew strange would say "one", the cliche was so obvious.

Here, I'll fix that whole scene for you for free.

Strange comes out of looking at the future and Starlord (not ironman) asks him what he was doing.

Strange says he saw all 14 million possible outcomes. 

Starlord asks how many they win.

Strange looks very troubled and asks him what he defines as a win.

Starlord makes a joke and mentions everybody making it out alive and happily ever after.

Strange looks at Tony and says "none".

Oh as soon as soon as that happened I thought “please say anything but one”. Make it cooler and go yolo and say zero. 

The problem when you do that is you need all of a sudden every possibility becomes a plot contrivance. 

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Just now, lancerman said:

No you’re just being a mindless fanboy.

I don't know if you're being serious or not, but I haven't read a comic in my life, I prefer DC, and I don't have a single Marvel movie rated higher than an 8/10.

If you're being serious, bad look.  Embarrassing. 

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9 minutes ago, HorizontoZenith said:

I agree with TXSteeler on this one.  I don't think they're dead.  I think they're gone, not dead, but that's a part of it.  Every little detail has been planned.  It's grand scheme plotting by Strange, it's not some cop out.  For all you know, the exact plan to get Thanos at the point he was at when he snapped his fingers, he wasn't capable of KILLING them, only capable of making them disappear. 

They aren't dead, true, but it happened this way for a reason.  Show patience, wait for the explanation. 

I don't care about the explanation because we all know they aren't staying dead.

They literally can't, the actors are under contract for more movies. Disney won't let them cancel multiple billion dollar franchises.

The snap meant nothing because we all know they are all coming back.

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4 minutes ago, TXsteeler said:

Aka, bad writing. Every 7 year old in that theater knew strange would say "one", the cliche was so obvious.

Here, I'll fix that whole scene for you for free.

Strange comes out of looking at the future and Starlord (not ironman) asks him what he was doing.

Strange says he saw all 14 million possible outcomes. 

Starlord asks how many they win.

Strange looks very troubled and asks him what he defines as a win.

Starlord makes a joke and mentions everybody making it out alive and happily ever after.

Strange looks at Tony and says "none".

That actually would’ve been really cool.

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Amazing, amazing film. I absolutely loved the opening scene, and how it showed Thanos’ brute strength. He destroyed the Hulk in hand to hand combat, picked up Loki by his neck and just snapped it like a twig, and how he was holding Thor by his head and looked like he could have just squeezed it and popped it at any second he wanted to. I thought it was cool how long he was holding him by his head too, really showed they stood 0 chance.

My other favorite scene was when Vision and Scarlet Witch were being attacked (in London?) and as it was clear they were about to meet their match, the shadowy figure of Cap was standing there behind the moving train. That was fantastic and gave me chills. It looked like a horror film. 10/10 absolutely great scene.

And my last favorite scene was Thor showing up in Wakanda. He was fantastic the whole movie, but when he came out of the sky with the lightning behind him and his eyes lit up with his body flowing with electricity and Stormbreaker cocked back with both arms as he came barreling down...that was so cool man.

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