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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. What id say is known Orca- town confirmed innocent child Whicker- move confirmed via the Swoosh flip. Swoosh was off night invest proof. This to me says there should be some form of cop in the game. Only way he isnt town is if Deadpusle was the cop, but Forge claiming watch/track D2 as scum kind of puts that away imo. Outed Pickle officially by redlettering him Mwil- move confirmed by Malf and Scoundrel. Malf flipped town so I believe it. Scum motivator would be a powerful role, this is still on the table imo Jlash- town protect, confirmed through a various of associated moves like Swoosh trying to kill Whicker but not killing anyone with Jlash saying he tried a move on Whicker and both went to Bcb (town lighting rod). Confirmed as town via Whicker invest Nacho- governor, confirmed move via the write up that said he was pardoned. Only thing is would there be a mafia governor. That's crazy too overpowered imo because everyone thinks Gov is town or indy (which Swoosh was). Pretty much confirming Nacho as town Scoundrel- role block, open in thread with moves and targets. Claimed to roleblock Pickle day before pickle is lynched. Claimed Donna from get go, claimed some weird non stopping kill roleblock, confirmed info somewhat via Sanchez claiming something similar Sanchez- jail, can't stop a player from killing or other moves on player...Basically nerfed protect/semiblock, confirmed info similar to Scoundrel Dome- vengeful, was shot by Swoosh N2 i believe but lived, was double blocked/protected last night, but it wouldn't prevent him from killing, vengeful doesn't make sense to me as town given the gov role as probably town. 2 lynch driven mechanics role for town seems over done. Anything is possible, but doesn't fit in my head, especially because it appears town doesn't have a vig, but tons of protects/redirects/blocks meaning scum would be the dominate killers in the game No idea if any of this makes sense, wasn't planning to think this much after D1 Dome is the biggest unknown role wise. Everyone else has been confirmed in some manner imo, lesser so with Sanchez Basically id rank it (Assuming deadpulse was a watch/track) Dome Sanchez Mwil Scoundrel Nacho Jlash Whicker
  2. So Scoundrels move failed because Sanchez jailed you...or did Scoundrels move failed because it doesn't stop kills, or did they all succeed and you were double triple secret super duper blocked
  3. Scoundrel What if I was right from the beginning of the game....Dome would 💩 himself
  4. No need to wait. If I'm wrong my bad, **** happens. I'm not wrong though. Notice how I've been on Forge, Swoosh, You, and Pickle. Yeah I haven't considered an alternative 🤣 You just swung and missed again
  5. Why would it be your fault lol. I've been pretty spot on so far, if I'm wrong I'm wrong. Ain't nothing to it. I'm not though
  6. If you are town this makes sense from your point of view....im still going to lynch you cause you are mafia
  7. That Dome got distracted and didn't make it out of the Go Falcons channel again
  8. I get it, but Dome is pretty much mafia and Swoosh came out early with his claim today. Probably trying to draw the lynch instead of Dome imo or he really is the SK
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