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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. @theuntouchable how does it feel to be caught by an Orca wild play
  2. I'm Simon Skinner dip****. I caught you and Pickle. You faked the pardon **** to see if anyone would reveal they are the SK. I felt like drawing you out in return. I'm cleared by the cop. Boom!!!!
  3. I'm Simon Skinner. I am the vig I had a 3 shot I killed Mwil, Gopher, and last night I tried baiting mafia to believing I was the SK to leave me alone. Touch took the bait, but they redirected me to hit Josh. I was trying to hit Touch. I'm 100% Touch is mafia. Bet the game on it Josh cleared me
  4. Damn right he is...let the good times roll. Scum for the win
  5. Somebody listen to me in a scum chat....has hell frozen over
  6. The host told me it was @rackcs he has a history of that. Gaming the system to his advantage and being a rat when it goes against him. Clearly he is scum with Pickle
  7. Someone here uses the playing list and assumes every 4th name is scum or some variant or something like that
  8. @daboyle250 please clarify...is @Whicker still an innocent child?
  9. I like pushing every 4th name on the list @Somebody here lol
  10. No. Just no and you can stop doing this schtick. It's annoying and 100% fake. The host didnt tell you jack
  11. I'm betting the host did...but you are still scum imo. A caught for BS shouldnt happen reasons...but at this point not much to do imo
  12. So you are claiming on D3 you are willing to take a lynch as the most powerful role to prove a point. Sign me up. Burn this guy to the ground. Racks next
  13. Then I really dont care. If you were really town you would have claimed by now to save yourself or at least make people choose. You are just delaying it screwing with everyone now
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