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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. This is utter chaos How bout this for a tiebreaker 1 of the original 3 has to tag the other team and count the time to tag back. Both teams do this. First post Saying Itty or Riggity tag will count Winner decided before 11 PM CST
  2. this isn't right. people have been told they are not apart of the game. Making them apart of the tie breaker is wrong It should be just apart of the 3 vs 3 that was playing
  3. Riggity Game Orca tags Touch Bcb tags Pickle Rick Flux tags Rags Itty Game Orca tags Rags Bcb tags Touch Flux tags Pickle Rick Is this how it goes @Pickle Rick Teams make sure they specify the game they are tagging in
  4. So the first player tagged after the tie and tags the other team back is safe?
  5. Just curious @Outpost31 what happens if the whole game is played out in like a minute and a half...technically no one had a min of being it. Also, it's possible someone gets gaged at 11:00:58 seconds and tags someone at 11:01:01, would that count as a min?
  6. Here is our order The Orca BcB Flux We are keeping the same order for both games that start at 11AM CST/Noon EST correct @Pickle Rick Post yours when you have it please...hopefully an hour before start time at least if not tonight
  7. @ Riggity Tribe...2 games at 1 time. Specify which game the tag is for Riggity you start Itty we start Both games start at 11 am CST which is 12 PM EST Make sure you post your order as soon as you get it Riggity. We will do the same @bcb1213 @Adrenaline_Flux I'll send you a message in a second
  8. So is our group now Flux, BcB, Orca? Just need to get an order for both games right?
  9. So do we need to specify an order...or we just can't tag someone who has already tagged someone?
  10. Why?...should be tag whoever as long as everyone is tagged
  11. So 2 games running same time 3 vs 3 (both games have same players) Riggity starts 1...each tag specify Riggity game Itty starts 1...each tag specify Itty game Both games begin at 11 am CST Sunday and ends 11 pm CST Sunday Each game everyone has to be tagged Once the last person is tagged the game ends Add both games up and who ever has least time being it wins Is this where we are at?
  12. I like the idea, kind of makes it two games in 1. Could we tag the same person 2 times on a row?
  13. Based on Outpost wanting a winner by tomorrow at 11...I was assuming 1 game
  14. Congrats on the wedding!!! @Outpost31 Could we delay the challenge until Sunday or make it 3 vs 3 and each team gets 10 tags total and it doesnt matter who does the tagging for each set of 3 (or a min of 2 people must tag)
  15. What is going on...is Mookie back from the island yet?
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