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Expectations...Same ol' Jets fans

Big T

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Every year the over optimistic Jets fan has the Jets making the playoffs. Ohhhhh, we should trade for this player or that player, the Jets need to do this or that to complete the team.

So let's be clear as a person who has been following the Jets since I was 13. This Jets team has all the potential to win a S.B., no doubt about it. But if we temper our expectations I think that is the route to go.

Like many of you, we know the pieces are in place but much of it hinders on the teams top FA signees  staying healthy. If, and that is a big "if" the Jets could go deep into the playoffs and perhaps a S.B..........we can dream!

One thing we know, we know, as a team our D is elite, and could be even better this year with the new additions to it. The DC has found ways of getting the best out of his D line and although Mosley is getting long in the tooth he still has a year or two left in his career with the Jets.

So we have an elite D and a promising O if AR can be kept upright and uninjured. We have the RB's and WR's to make A.R. life as a Jet a productive one, with this caveat, if we can remain healthy or for that matter everyone else of the walking wounded. 

Moses, Smith, A.R. and Williams, all key additions, all players with injury issues. Like I said temper our expectations, and hope for the best.

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