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  1. My faith in a million dollar athlete's ability to stop being an addict, died with Josh Gordon's 5th violation. Fool me six times? I think not. Honestly though, how long until the NFL catches up with the times and lifts or at least greatly reduces restrictions on marijuana?
  2. Thanks Brooks. I'm happy to finally be relatable. I have to deal with the fair weather niner fans. They are proudly out of hibernation and completely unavoidable. Props to the raider fans for being fairly constant. My boy didn't become a Cowboys fan. He just likes to root against me. I nearly booted him out of the house during the World Series when he had the audacity to say "Go Cubs" in my presence. That one still hurts.
  3. Hey Browns fans. First off - long time listener, first time caller. Instead of the default questionnaire, I thought I'd share how I, as a Northern Californian, became afflicted with this incurable passion. The day was January 11th, 1987. A day that I'm sure many of you remember all too well. I was a wee lad of 9 years and spent the afternoon with my younger brothers in the mountains having a lengthy and spirited snow ball fight. When the day began, I couldn't care less about football. After hours of fun outside, my father emerged from the house. He was a lifelong Browns and Indians fan. For him it started in 1956, at the age of 5. He had the "fortune" of having his first T-Ball team being named the Indians. What a twist of fate. When I spotted my father, I noticed he had tears in his eyes. I later found out that it was Elway's doing. Curse him and his teeth. It was the first and only time that I would ever see him cry. Something divine happened in that moment. My father's love for the Browns became my own. It's like it was written into my DNA, ingrained in my bones. Here we are some 30+ years later and I'm a Browns fan through and through, the good times and the bad. If my second son was born on time, his name would have been Quinn. Lucky for him me he was late. I have a room in my house painted the same as the Brown's helmet. My buddies and I have an annual trip we take to see a game. We came out to Cleveland in 2017 for week 1 vs Pittsburgh. Thanks Kizer, for the lasting memories. At least I got to see the Indians win #17 in a row that weekend. These days, I'm the only Browns fan I know. I tried to recruit my oldest son when he was 3 years old. It was the year after our 10-6 season and the Browns were facing the Cowboys in week 1. I explain to him why I'm a Browns fan. We have a moment. Again, he is 3. He asks who the "blue team" is. I tell him it's the Cowboys. He says "Go Cowboys." He's 3 and he is rooting for the opposition out of spite. Millennials. Enough about me. I've frequented this site from time to time because you guys seem to have your fingers on the pulse. Browns info is slower to materialize out here. I'm a big sports talk radio guy and being just outside the Bay Area, everyone wants to talk about the 49ers and Raiders. Thanks for all the info. I'll keep tuning in and try to contribute going forward.
  4. https://twitter.com/Jake_Trotter/status/1217844097937039362?s=20
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