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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Its not everytime I have a kill...its just a lot of fun
  2. Sorry to disappoint you, I don't do much but someone potentially can see something funny. I post drinking gifs all the time. Is what it is
  3. Don't know your role and I'm 100% town as usual. Pretty sure you visited me N2
  4. Wonder how many times you have posted now about a Matts vote failing....starting to get sketched out about you. Got the feeling you know more than you are saying
  5. Pretty sure everyone did 🤣 But curious if that's what Jason was going on about in that post
  6. Looks to me that Squire was getting their in-thread back and forth and vote against him out of the way early so he could change it quickly. If Matts had flipped at some point Squire looks better and claims he should have stuck with the RNG imo. Also maybe adds a bit of evidence against Matts being unkillable in this light
  7. So somebody look at these exchanges and let me know what you think?
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