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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So, has to be Rags Stayed quiet all game, has no info Deadpulse lied about his role, but Rags still wanted to lynch me, apparently in a chat with him but knows almost nothing
  2. I'm town. Look how I've played in thread along with my moves. From you thinking I scum slipped, to me playing the time man in thread, to me trying to make Skywind think I was going to cult him, and on and on. Why would I do that if I was scum
  3. Its deadpulse he converted Sachla or whatever her name is and can kill now. Forge said he is a bad guy
  4. In Nacho games factions needing to eliminate other factions usually mirror each other, which based on ETs role and your new ability to kill...you are a threat
  5. Oh wow. Didn't someone say your girl was super bad. You find her and then can kill now....
  6. @Ragnarok I'm sure you missed most of these, so enjoy. Some of my best work i think lol. Probably dumb to give it to Skywind, but it worked out
  7. 1. Wanted to see what would happen, not sure I have played with him. Maybe he panics and I could get a connection with someone else or something. Also being sure...all I have is a thread read. Not always 100000% accurate even if 100% sure 2. All of them have confirmed the motivation lmao Just today I can go pull where everyone else confirmed it if needed
  8. D2 used explore to find voting rules claimed to have knowledge of voting rules and explained them D3 kept telling Skywind I was going to cult him and he had to tell me his faction. Wanted to see what would happen D4, vote blocked for the day pressed skywind cause I motivated him and wanted to see what he knew/bait him to double kill if he was scum D5 queried the people I motivated (inspired) to see what they were told, to find out why mafia didn't double kill, and if they knew what it did then mafia did for sure D6 used explore to find voting rules again and crushed KSJ while breaking down Racks defense of him showing how he was scum D7 we are here Moves N1 Inspired Pickle N2 Inspired Mwil N3 Inspired Skywind N4 Inspired Sanchez N5 Inpired Dome but he was killed that night N6 Inspired Scoundrel but was redirected to Sanchez and inspired him D2 used explore to find voting rules D6 used explore to find voting rules Xmad also gave me a medal showing he was town N5 I think
  9. Compare it to mine, especially when it was claimed and why, along with who has confirmed it. Its 100% racks
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