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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Its 2/3 majority lynch. 8 votes and you are dead. Hopefully we get there soon. No reason to drag this out
  2. You just lack communication skills. Keep practicing and you will eventually get to my level
  3. I postulated that it felt you and Swag both were scum. Many ways to get there, 1 even if there is just 1 scum group
  4. The writeup not the OP. I hadnt read the OP Also, I researched Isran...he is a vampire hunter. Makes since that if he is in the game a vampire would be. You mentioned red a lot...so possible one of you is red and the other blue
  5. I'm still confused Like if it was a Rick and Morty mafia that had a bunch of vanillas, I would expect Rick and Morty to be power roles and Jerry would not
  6. If Isran should be a power role...then @Whicker how can you explain Daboyle being scum?
  7. But if this is an oldschool game with lots of vanillas...would he have a power role is my question
  8. Would that guy who it also says is basically a vampire killer be in the game as one of the main power roles?
  9. But seriously. Isran... He was previously a member of the Vigilants of Stendarr years ago after witnessing his family's death at the hands of Molag Bal Vampire cultists, alongside Celann. Dissatisfied with the order, and the fact the Vigil found his methods "extreme," they both left to form their own partnership. It didn't last long, as Celann began to disagree with some of Isran's methods
  10. So too mean, too nice, too little words, too many words, too few gifs, not enough gifs, to boasting....there is a sick fascination with me in mafia games lol
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