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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I mean...let's be honest, it's the Naz version of the Orca policy lynch
  2. As shown above it was discussed before now by a few people, specifically Orca 1.0 and Bucs The gif is because...did you not read the previous posts about it, forgot, ignored it, missed it....? Its host specific and game specific. It could be to hide some type of game mechanic or role like Slappy or cause Gopher is lazy...he has posted he is keeping track of the count himself, so I'd say it's to hide a game role/mechanic
  3. This has bugged me about Wolf Who had the Builder role before? Did it say you were vanilla? But explained your role? I cant possibly see Gopher telling someone they are vanilla, but are essentially a 10% JOAT
  4. This I agree with as well. His more or less didnt tey to help like he did last game. But to Pickle it helped so it was good
  5. What ruins mafia is the whining, bets (yes I know), PM posting, intentional modkills, policy lynches, and what annoys me the most is people asking for replacements and not being replaced when there is one available... It feels like KSJ is town and annoyed that he has to determine if you were faking that post all game. What also stands out is I dont think he complained when 50 people have claimed to be mafia in the thread of a bunch of games, some have been real, some made it up. Why take that stance now...then as you say below Which puts him back to a scum lean for me
  6. Great job, keep up the good work 1 tning about KSJ stands out more than the reaction to your push (with him that's more of a civ tell cause as scum he just hides)
  7. Explain Did I miss something while Gopher was finishing putting Orca 2.0 together? But Swag is playing, should he be following him blindly like games past he did as town.... If true stop saying it This gives me touch feelings and I dont like What's Daboyle's alignment? Welp...Whicker's gotta die. No such thing, off with his head So it isnt a move you have seen before in a game? I'm gonna vote you if you dont stop He has done it before...won by himself after killing everyone and saying he was friendly
  8. So would you all as town post that 2nd headline? The Little Girl was scummy as ****...so the votes said
  9. So I'll quick recap what I had So here is what I am thinking I had the role in GW1. It was a scum role meant to screw with everyone, Gopher loves it, small limit of like x amount of words and no names, no penalty but had to be sent (maybe) I dont see the role being town and sent on penalty of modkilling. Makes no sense. I dont see it as being limited to non game related when the headline, which is a similar role appears to be game related I dont think town would have 2 roles, note giver but non game related and 10% joat given what has been claimed so far. Vanilla sure, but those seem like a middle finger to the user. I also dont think Rags is scum now that something clicked or maybe it means he is. I'm thinking the headline is town cause its broadcasted to everyone and the note is scum. Also, was there a headline N1?
  10. Noooooooooo What I had typed dissapeared when i reloaded on my phone
  11. Why on Earth would there be a stipulation of non game related? Have you seen it used?
  12. Are you still thinking this and why were you thinking this? Sketchy I cant think of a reason. Doesnt make sense Soley meant to screw with everyone I dont remember any penalty for not sending it, but I think if I didnt send one Gopher would make something up or something. Not positive on that, but definitely no penalty like modkill
  13. I would have said the other way...cause of those things he would have been an easy push to lynch
  14. What's up buddy Cool Interesting Cant remember why I quoted this...maybe why would they know? Who do you read as mafia...and just mafia? Claimed vanilla with a move I dont buy scum hitting Slappy. Its possible, but the way he was playing was sketchy. Has anyone suggested town blocked Wolf and that's why there was no hit? What color was MD4L? Go for ir That's basically means you have no move unless you hit on the 10% and if you do you get a roleblock or kill.... Awfully forward with this statement
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