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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I need a specific number It's a piece of paper with somethig written on it Fail
  2. Fail While feasting on body one. Marbles begins choking on a piece of paper Fail Locked Locked
  3. You head back down the hole to find the orcas. They go fishing for hou and bring some fish for Digger All you can find are the two bodies and blood
  4. Vote Count 10 Swag- Pickle, Whicker, Mwil, KillerDorito, Daboyle, Touch, N4L, ET, KSJ, llama 3 Cheese- Slappy, Forge, 2 Touch- Bantle, Cheese 1 KSJ- Swag 1 llama- Ww 1 Dome- Squire
  5. You rummage through the bodies. The first one has a hole in the stomach where it was shot, the second one has a hole in the face. You dont find anything of use on the surface He has taken a liking to you
  6. 18. Counselor @Counselor - needs to vote and make an interactive move or be roleblocked
  7. If you want to vote llama. Type it out and bold it please You look for s courtyard but end up in the bowling alley where there are some hot dogs on the grill
  8. You walk on over to the dungeon. For some reason the baby polar bear that walked in behind you continues to follow you around
  9. You run into the Ice room and slide frantically into the den. You see 3 baby polar bears and grab them in your arms and take off back out the door. You have a polar bear army now You head back up to the den just in time to see a fat dude sliding out of the room. You head into the den and look around. There are no baby polar bears but when you turn around one wonders in behindd you You take his eggs
  10. 18. Counselor @Counselor - needs to vote and make an interactive move 19. Squire @squire12 - needs to vote 24. ww @wwhickok needs to vote and make an interactive move or be killed 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk needs to vote and make an interactive move or be killed
  11. Not much down here. Just fish and seals. I've heard some baby polar bears are in the den above Just some fish and seals down here You get shocked You watch the movie, fall asleep, and stumble out The minion orca responds You head to the alley You are attached to forge He farts upon being poked, so maybe Counselor has a spear
  12. You make somenorca calls in the water and two orcas come to the surface You get shocked The Orcas are game, however they cant get out of the water
  13. Vote Count 10 Swag- Pickle, Whicker, Mwil, KillerDorito, Daboyle, Touch, N4L, ET, KSJ, Llama 2 Cheese- Slappy, Forge 1 Touch- Bantle
  14. It's a giant cave full of water. You look below the surface and see two giant animals swimming under you The safe remains locked You now have a machete and a key You jump into the hole with ET
  15. Swag drops the machete and key as he passes out again, all the minions orcas come out and point and laugh at him
  16. You crawl into the hole, but slip and fall the whole way down. You splash I to water when you hit the bottom Nothing else of interest, just the giant safe with the four digit lock
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