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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You give the rope to Malf You climb up the vine Above You get shocked again crapping on the floor. Counselor is now wearing your crap filled clothes for some reason You find him next to the wall. Shaken but ok
  2. Total failure You see a small fire burning like at the pit, a tiny box, and a small nugget of gold
  3. You throw Squires hand at the panther in a last ditch effort to kill the beast. It just turns states at you, grabs Squire's hand and eats it. You charge with shark teeth, but the panther just turns and runs into the jungle
  4. Glass? You find the snake and there isnt much left You climb down the vines and take the eggs You leave the pit and gondeeprr in the jungle. You find a den that is most surely the panthers
  5. The bowling bowl shatters You grab the machete You need to the consession stand You get shocked so hard you crapped yourself K
  6. You throw the body in and the panther punches it. While occupied you take off sprinting into the jungle You cover Swag with stumpy blood You follow forge I to the jungle You head to the ballroom leaving Swag behind in the jungle You grab a bowling ball and head back As Forge distracts the Panther, Sauire and Lackssomefeet charge the panther. As Squire goes for the precise strike the panther turns around and bites his hand. Lackssomefeet goes in for a strike but it's to late, the panther clamps down and bites Squire's wrist off. The panther just kicks the still growing Lackssomefeet against the wall as he shimmies away
  7. Vote Count 1 Malf- WW, 1 Pickle- Touch 3 Swag- Pickle, Mwil, Daboyle 1 Whicker- Bcb 6 Bcb- Whicker, Killerdorito, Forge, Bantle, Malf, Naz 1 Forge- ET 1 Counselor- Counselor
  8. You head to the edge of the pit and yell down You head to the jungle room You slowly make your way up the vine
  9. You pull the bannister out from inside you You go to the closet to find an empty box
  10. You grab a couple eggs from the pit As Swag is grabbing some eggs you drop into the pit, raise the bannister and strike at his head with a mighty blow. At the last second matrix style, Swag dodges the blow in an action packed slow motion duck. Swag then spins around and leg sweeps you. While you are on the ground Swag tries to climb the pit, but it's way too deep to get out without a rope. He is part way up when you get to your feet and slam the bannister into his back breaking some bones. Swag falls back to the floor of the pit. You try to pull the bannister back, but it is stuck inside of Swag. At this point you are shocked and frozen
  11. You cant find Swag so you head to the jungle room and make a striaght line to the pit and dive in
  12. You hop down the hall and slink into the jungle. You see the panther but just keep going. You jump into the pit
  13. You hobble on one leg past Mwil and make it to the projector room. You tried to lock the door behind you but it didnt work
  14. The rest of the minions come out and beat you half to death to retrieve their buddy You go to the ballroom You follow blocking the exit Swag has no escape Woz is basically melted goo now Weapons are ready
  15. Oh weeeeee...what a fun time. It's starting to smell in that room though You get shocked You get shocked Gripping it tighter You get shocked and kicked in the balls by a minion orca You lift it over your head...
  16. You push the button You are already there Its locked still You head to the ballroom K
  17. @Slappy Mc @kingseanjohn and an interactive move needed @Nazgul @SwAg @Llamalover @daboyle250 @squire12 @Cheesehawk @N4L You have just over 4 and a half hours to vote I believe everyone has done an interactive move today except KSJ
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