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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You go balls out on the snake. Blow after blow the snake gets the upper hand and pins you down. He goes in for the kill when you turn the machete at the last second and the massive weight of the snake forces the blade clean through its neck, slicing the snakes head off. The snake is dead Like a scared girl you take off for the exit The snake is dead You meet up with ET
  2. You are there already Now it is just super pissed off The exit may be of importance You dont see anything at this time Interactive moves will be sporadic for a couple of hours
  3. Vote Count 6 Swag- Whicker, Malf, Squire, Bcb, Matts, Slappy 2 Matts- Mwil, N4L 1 Forge- Counselor
  4. In a stunningly beautiful shocker... @Pickle Rick escapes his death trap The correct response was Jodelle Ferland
  5. He is in the dungeon naked I believe. You walk in to a...very scary sight You need down to the dungeon with the others You tell at the snake and roll the egg away, but the snake grabs it with his tail and puts it back in the hole...it doesnt help your situation Same as above You are trapped by the snake in the jungle and he isnt happy
  6. There is a large ******* snake blocking the path right in front of you You right a note put it in a box and hand it to Dome Your trapped in the jungle You have his attention for the moment You begin to search when the snake sees you and moves closer K You flee the jungle room You grab his arm and get a shock
  7. As you enter the jungle you see Malf in front of you. A louder roar can be heard very close to you. You ask Malf what he sees. Malf turns around and sees a black panther hanging just above the door. He is so frightened that he just freezes. He begins to scream, but all he gets is the sylabol "Na" out of his mouth, a 10 foot prehistoric black panther pounces onto your head. The panther tears into your throat and blood starts shooting out. Malf is still frozen in fear and is being covered by blood. Oozing down his face. The panther gives a little smirk and takes off into the jungle. @TheKillerNacho is Dead, he is The Cabin in the Woods, Good Aligned
  8. You attempt to head back when a giant. Snake smashes down in front of you. You, Squire, Mwil, and Swag are cut off from the door You look co fuses so you have a blood spiked rum ro calm you You are trapped You throw the paper plane and hit Slappy in the leg. Great throw You go in with the bannister dawn ready for anything You are trapped in the Jungle You grab Nachos arm and attempt to drag him in, you instead get shocked and Nacho remains where he is. You see your surroundings. Some people are screaming a ways into the jungle ang roar in the distance and some girly screams
  9. You head over to the bushes and see something move. You move a little closer You head to the jungle museum..currently outside of the door You take a nap with Woz' liquid all around you What are you using to scribble You have an egg You join Malf at the door You give the egg back to forge Do you do this?
  10. I think you go back to the ballroom...either way you are with Nacho You keep an egg and throw the other up. The fire is extinguished and all you can see is ash where it was. After a few seconds you hear a rustling in the bushes You ask the others if they want to head back You catch a giant egg You find none You are all moving as a group through the bushes...but a larger sound keeps overtaking your ears
  11. Vote Count 6 Swag- Whicker, Malf, Mwil, Squire, Bcb, Matts 1 Forge- Counselor
  12. You grab 3 large eggs and climb up the role and out of the hole You go into the jungle room and meet up with the gang
  13. You out on a fashion montage with a rope dangling from above. Squire is quite impressed it seems. Underneath the skulls you find a lot of snake skin You get shocked for your attempt There is a long rope now tied to a tree and dangling I to the hole down to Forge
  14. You analyze the box. It an ordinary looking box with some blood stains on the handle. The head in the middle of the room is missing both eyes and the nose is attached to the floor via a large pilon It tastes like blood spiked rum You see the remains of 3 skeletons. 1 of the skeletons is wearing a dress, a second has pants and a shirt. The third though, has a pair of assless chaps You rip the box from the wall and open it as fast as you can. Inside you see something rattling around. It's a 2-shot watch You nail Matt's to the rack. You get a little shock but you really power through it There is a clock on the wall. It reads 11 Got it You chop down some vines and lower it down into the hole You detach the head from the pilon and are holding it like a basketball You head to the dungeon
  15. That was in the dungeon. Sorry for the confusion there. You want to go to the dungeon and do that?
  16. You jump in a long freaking way. You hit the side of a wall and finally reach the bottom Which room?
  17. You see a few paintings and sconces but they are all.covered in a blood like substance You walk into the dungeon, decloth and lie down on an old torture rack You go into the jungle and grab the machete from the wall. You now have a machete You confront Squire in the jungle but get shocked I assume outside the bowling alley You need deeper into the jungle and see trees, bushes, and aound a bush a giant hole. Next to the hole is a small fire You see two men in a Mexican standoff with a railing and a machete. Forge is standing by a hole and fire. Lots of trees and bushes blocking your view You and flege are standing next to a giant hole and fire 1st guess is wrong Above Nothing happens You push play on V for Vendetta. More things on exploding on the screen. On the wall is a box. There is a jail in the corner. Some smeared blood and a head in the middle of the room Above
  18. You check it out thoroughly. You move it about no wires, traps, etc. It is insanely sharp. Enough to kill a man even with a weak swing. Looks to just be hanging on a nail You turn around and take aim at the jungle in a dead sprint. You burst through the door and see the snake skin. You leap to the snake skin, bend down, grab it in your hand. At that moment a large snake about 50 feet long starts to move. Some how it was hanging on a couple of trees. You turn around and analyze the snake skin you have picked up. The snake has now maneuvered above you. He brings his head towards you with lightning quickness. SNAP!!!!! The snake bites your head off @jasonwbantle is dead The Orca appears with his minion orcas and retrieves Jason's torso and legs....drags them back to the ballroom. The Orca tells a minion to follow the snake around for an hour and scoop up the head when it gets **** out. An hour late The Orca shoves Jason's head back onto his body and shoves a syringe into his eye. "I'm such a forgiving person. Looks like you get a second chance as well" @jasonwbantle is alive
  19. The first page has been updated including link Also, ***IMPORTANT*** N2 is Sunday at 11 PM EST Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc 4. Whicker @Whicker 5. Bcb @bcb1213 6. Dome @Dome 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul 9. Mwil @MWil23 10. Matts @Matts4313 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho 12. Swag @SwAg 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs 15. Llama @Llamalover 16. Mission @mission27 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan 24. ww @wwhickok 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk 27. ET @ET80 28. N4L @N4L
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