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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Your gaze immediately locks onto a giant piece of shredded snake skin about 50 feet long. On the wall is a machete. In front of you stands a real jungle. Plants and trees everywhere. Bugs are flying around and you even hear the roar of a what sounds distinctly like a black panther
  2. The sound gets faster You slide your way down to the jungle museum and walk inside You have a piece of metal and proceed to the jungle museum and stop outside the door. There is a painting of a majestic snake Ylu walk to thr torture room but cant get in. No booby traps appear that you can discern geom the outside You move to the jungle room and are outside with N4L Bcb is shrugging You walk down the stairs and inside to the dungeon
  3. You slide down in a blaze of glory balls out and everything. There is a huge crash heard throughout the house. You burst through the bottom part of the staircase and slide across the room ending up next to Woz' now liquified remains You sitting on the perch Altuuuuuuuuuuve!!!!! Swag has the rope baby You cuddle up with the Woz goo You find none You cant find anything just standing there You have the films now Just a corpse You crawl back up the stairs and take a second magnificent slide
  4. ***Attention*** Remaining guests I am pleased to announe the Jungle Museum and Dungeon are now open I hope you all are enjoying your experience in my hell hole
  5. The Orca appears with his robotic army and grabs Pickle Rick from his frozen state. The orcas maneuver Pickle Rick to the top of the landing in the ballroom. They place his body up on a pedestal and bring in a large tank. The tank in swimming with piranhas. The Orca dims the lights and releases everyone's auditory functions so they could hear. "Well now Mr. Pickle Rick, seems like these people just dont like you. Set below is a tank that will surely lead to a painful and excruciating demise, but as I said earlier, I am a man of second chances. You have 5 tries to guess this word association type game correctly or you will be dropped to meet your end. I have heard you would like to try Scifi, so let the games begin. @Pickle Rick You have 5 guesses to correctly answer this association under the Scifi category "Statement/Question": Five Tag me in the thread with each attempt. If you are wrong 5 times you will die. The lights come on and the guests are released from their voltage nap. When they look around and investigate what had happened during the night they saw a grizzly sight. The group slinked around the house to where @rackcs had been stationed the night before. All that could be seen was a body split in two. Upon further inspection it was determined the body from top to bottom was sliced in half by an instrument that contained teeth. Similar to a chainsaw Elsewhere in the house the group came upon @VikeManDan. His body was lying on the floor with blood everywhere. His torso split from his head and legs. It was like a viking shish kabob. When the group analyzed the horror scene a bit closer. It was clear the body was torn to shreds by an animal with large teeth. @rackcs is Dead, he was IT, Good Aligned @VikeManDan is Dead, he was The Pyramid, Good Aligned @Dome can not vote today It is now D2. Everyone must vote and perform an interactive move. Not doing so today will result in being roleblocked. 2 times from here on out possibly mod death If you didnt get a PM or are still waiting please message me
  6. PMs going out ***Important*** Do not share any info from the PMs until I announce the day has befun
  7. Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc 4. Whicker @Whicker 5. Bcb @bcb1213 6. Dome @Dome 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul 9. Mwil @MWil23 10. Matts @Matts4313 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho 12. Swag @SwAg 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs 15. Llama @Llamalover 16. Mission @mission27 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan 24. ww @wwhickok 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk 27. ET @ET80 28. N4L @N4L 7 minutes to finalize moves
  8. @Pickle Rick tag me and pick a category any time you want Scifi (TV/Movies) Sports TV/Movies
  9. Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc 4. Whicker @Whicker 5. Bcb @bcb1213 6. Dome @Dome 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul 9. Mwil @MWil23 10. Matts @Matts4313 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho 12. Swag @SwAg 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs 15. Llama @Llamalover 16. Mission @mission27 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan 24. ww @wwhickok 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk 27. ET @ET80 28. N4L @N4L
  10. Vote Count 8 Pickle - Counselor, Swag, Mwil, Touch, Racks, Naz, Dome, Llama 1 Whicker- Squire 6 Touch- Matts, Malf, Daboyle, Pickle, N4L, Cheese 1 Mission- Bcb 1 Swag- VMD 1 Dome- Nacho 1 Mwil- Forge @Pickle Rick will be the lynch Everyone has 30 minutes to send in moves
  11. Vote Count 6 Pickle - Counselor, Swag, Mwil, Touch, Racks, Naz 1 Whicker- Squire 6 Touch- Matts, Malf, Daboyle, Pickle, N4L, Cheese 1 Mission- Bcb 1 Swag- VMD 1 Dome- Nacho 1 Mwil- Forge
  12. Vote Count 5 Pickle - Counselor, Swag, Mwil, Touch, Racks 1 Cheesehawk- Naz 1 Whicker- Squire 6 Touch- Matts, Malf, Daboyle, Pickle, N4L, Cheese 1 Mission- Bcb 1 Swag- VMD 1 Dome- Nacho 1 Mwil- Forge
  13. Vote Count 5 Pickle - Counselor, Swag, Mwil, Touch, Racks 1 Cheesehawk- Naz 1 Whicker- Squire 5 Touch- Matts, Malf, Daboyle, Pickle, N4L 1 Mission- Bcb 1 Swag- VMD 1 Dome- Nacho 1 Mwil- Forge
  14. You get an extra shock of voltage. You have lost a few IQ points if that is possible (I forgot this one) This will have to wait until D2
  15. Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc 4. Whicker @Whicker 5. Bcb @bcb1213 6. Dome @Dome 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul 9. Mwil @MWil23 10. Matts @Matts4313 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho 12. Swag @SwAg 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs 15. Llama @Llamalover 16. Mission @mission27 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan 24. ww @wwhickok 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk 27. ET @ET80 28. N4L @N4L About 30 minutes until night make sure to send in moves and vote A blinding light comes on and 10000 volts shock the guests in place. The interactive phase is done for D1
  16. The clicking sounds get faster but you have a painting Dome beat you to it Some loose boards in front of the door
  17. So that's weird You don't see anything on the surface and nmyou cant find any to do that You go there and see no wires that could be the source You get your *** shocked
  18. Player List 1. Forge @Forge 2. Malf @Malfatron 00. Slappy @Slappy Mc 4. Whicker @Whicker 5. Bcb @bcb1213 6. Dome @Dome 7. KSJ @kingseanjohn 8. Naz @Nazgul 9. Mwil @MWil23 10. Matts @Matts4313 11. Nacho @TheKillerNacho 12. Swag @SwAg 13. Pickle @Pickle Rick 14. Racks @rackcs 15. Llama @Llamalover 16. Mission @mission27 17. Daboyle @daboyle250 18. Counselor @Counselor 19. Squire @squire12 20. Touch @theuntouchable 21. Mega Ron @Mega Ron 22. Jason @jasonwbantle 23. VMD @VikeManDan 24. ww @wwhickok 25. Kotn @KOTN-93 26. Cheese @Cheesehawk 27. ET @ET80 28. N4L @N4L The lynch is in less than 55 minutes Interactive moves get cut off in 23 min at 10:30 PM for D1
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