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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Lmao...I can't even call that short changing us cause we had way more then that lol
  2. So we need 4 only to play and PM you a time @HorizontoZenith?
  3. Interesting strategy from each group...that was fun
  4. Crapper is full. @HorizontoZenith is working around the clock to fix it (he shouldn't have had that street market island food)
  5. Ill let you know when I stop running for my life, should have knee capped him instead
  6. I see where you are going...ill just cup check him with a baseball bat since its on hand. More of an added bonus
  7. Its usually a draw. There have been times I win and others he wins. Most of the time we just call it quits cause it could last for days (evenly matched lol)
  8. haha, lmao. Didn't need to sneak up on him. Just went to war face to face lol
  9. Not say 5 times in the thread we will be docked a penalty min and Gmen given a penalty vote (Which he still was) after it was pointed out. Just let us or anyone find a replacement and we played the current challenge with no penalty and with the people we did have. To be fair, you didn't dock us the min, though you made it clear before that time we were penalized even though you knew of the problem. I guess it turned out ok, but that was frustrating to say the least. You still penalized us for having someone not in the game. Ill PM you if want to continue this conversation. For now lets Play Ball!
  10. Don't really care about the Tribe smug penalty per se, just the fact that we were at a disadvantage through the first good bit of the challenges so far cause we were down 1 person, then when we finally point it out, you tried/did levy a penalty on us. You can see how that is frustrating right?
  11. Quit trying this. We got put at a disadvantage playing a man down cause you signed up a player not playing. Don't get those confused with someone not putting in moves. Let's move on cause this is getting tiresome for real lol
  12. You are the one who signed up a player who said "I am Jason" then when we pointed that out that he never signed up, you still penalized us and gave him a penalty vote...so talk about harsh lol
  13. He knew all 3 players moves when submitting/forming them. That's clearly an advantage
  14. @domepatrol91 has your welcome pack....he may be stuck on the toilet....I mean basket
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