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  1. things being implemented immediately, but others will need to take time 1) Should we implement 0.5 PPR? yes 2) Superflex? (I'm open to this and I have 2 ideas of how this could be implemented fairly--- 1 being a rather rapid transition and another being a slower, more methodical transition). I want to hear the ideas/opinions from other owners before I present my two approaches (I want to avoid pushing my own concepts as commish before others have a say). My overall idea (and hope) with a transition with superflex would be an attempt to increase parity (I want to push all teams toward the middle, and do my best to reconfigure the league to establish more balance). It could also help keep the league fresh. No superflex 3) Should we kill defense? Kill defense 4) Do we change FAAB #? (I will be upfront here and say that I think we could use another year at our current FAAB # to see if it's appropriate or not). I think most/any issues owners encountered were tied to the initial transition. leave the FAAB 5) Number of keepers? (Increase to 11 to reduce draft or stay the same, and when/how?---this will likely be tied to what type of decision we make with regard to superflex. Eh, leave the same amount of keepers unless superflex wins, then change to 11 next season or whenever superflex starts 6) How we calculate draft position (in 2021 and beyond, as the current league year is already set). I don’t care, I had that my pick is hit because of my finish even though I made it through the playoffs. But I think current system is fine. 7) How we draft (rookie/un-claimed vet) in 2020 (I'm thinking of Round 1 & 2 slow draft, followed by Round 3 as a fast/live draft), but I want to hear everyone's input here. how fast? I got kyler Murray, which kind of works out because the 1&2 I thought was fast. I like my email drafts, where people can @ me or text me when I am on the clock. But I think there should be a time limit. 8) I'm also looking to add a co-commish, and @chucknorris101 volunteered. I think that's something that at the very least deserves discussion among owners, and potentially a league vote (So PLEASE let me know how you feel). why, but I don’t care. If it’s so trades and arguments and **** gets done faster. Cool. It doesn’t matter to me 2 Please add any other league business/ideas that I didn't address above.
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