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Who would buy the Dallas Cowboys if the Jones family sells?


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Trick question. 

They could never sell the team.  Never. 

Jerry is the only talent in that family.  His Wife, drunk Son Stephen, ditzy Daughter Charlotte and socially inept son Jerry Jr. (Buster Bluth) don't have a chance in heck sustaining any lifestyle without which Jerry created and they know it.   Even if they split the money 4 ways, they'd squander it away in less than a decade.  Those bloodsuckers and their ilk (lookin' at you, Spaulding Jones) will never unlatch their hooks from this whale.  That's their life blood, their identity.  Those hangers-on really believe it's a family effort.  It's not, it's always been Jerry that's steered the ship.   Stephen "Kap Boi" Jones is the Heir apparent and looks absolutely out of his element. 



Edited by ///mcompact
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