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    Jacksonville, FL
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  1. I'm really hoping for Trae Young. The way our forwards can run and leap, his passing and 3 pointers would be fun to watch.
  2. I'm not worried about Khan moving the team. What worries me is when his time comes to move on, how profitable it'll be to sell to a European interest. The next owner of our Jaguars will have every reason to pick up and leave. Under Khan, I could see a future where we play 2 or 4 games in London. That's a real shame.
  3. I never could get the forum to load on draft day, though this new version looks pretty fancy.
  4. I joined this forum as JagFan122-b-21 way back in 2006. Through the years, this has been the absolute best place to talk Jaguars Football... my hometown team who's provided some of the very best and most memorable moments of my life. A few years ago I left this forum... I came back today just to look and see what had changed and if any old dogs were still around. I saw in my alerts my name has stayed alive, if only in a passing post about where everyone is from back in January. I miss this place more than I thought.
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