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  1. I know, only 1 year. But man, what a bad year. This is very typical of our collective responses to our draft picks. Unfortunately good 1st rounders far more often than not hit the ground running as good players. It's an arc that they are on. Abram's arc is quite bad thus far. Top tier physical talent, along with hundreds of other NFLers. A very typical Raider thing. Translating that into top tier play is literally everyone's challenge. Put another way, if he was a Pro Bowler or even one in the making, a team typically wouldn't go anywhere near that position in the draft. We have 4 new faces overall. That says plenty, it literally says "overhaul". Overhauling a position you just drafted in the 1st round two years ago is trash drafting, we do it year in and year out.
  2. Flashing mixed with horrible mistakes is the profile of an average to bad player. This is what every average to bad player in the league plays like. Great players make very few mistakes, many plus plays. Good players make a few good plays, always seem solid. Average players are mostly solid, not many plus plays. Anyone who makes bad mistakes often is straight out a bad player, regardless of the good. Raider fans typically can't see or accept this. Abram, thus far, is an absolute bust of a first rounder. It's as if when you view each player then our defense sounds like it would be great. But noone seems to have a rational explanation as to why we are a bottom 5 defense yearly. Surely none of these guys can be nearly as good as Raider fans would make it sound like they are. Abram is a wreck of a pick thus far.
  3. Why would anyone be impressed? He has nothing on his resume of note. Except singlehandedly ruining the season when he blew our second Chiefs win.
  4. Ding. Ding. Ding. This is the problem. You hopefully still try to get starters here. Like, I don't know, Dylan Moses and Quinn Minerz? We tossed a pro bowl center for Koonce, a DE who has a high chance of washing from the league within 3 years, after we signed a premium edge rusher in free agency. Consistently bad drafting and bad value. Deablo makes the team and takes whose job? Muse, who we just spent too high a pick on, or Abram, who we just spent too high a pick on? See the brutal cycle? Redrafting things we just drafted for.... SMH
  5. Maybe not a scrub. I went to school at UB once upon a time, the whole program is scrub level. Watching him won't help because the competition isn't NFL quality. There's just no way to spin the way that this team continually tries to outthink the draft and it never pans out. It just never pans out, never has. This is the year that they do the same thing and it turns out different.
  6. If Deablo makes the team then Muse goes straight in the trash. Koonce smells of Trevor Scott or Max Valles again. Abysmal.
  7. Spot on. Will these two make the team?
  8. Was going with Humphrey Moses but Humphrey went. Minerz Moses
  9. From Gruden's own mouth - "The most horrific play I've ever been associated with" Told ya it was one of the worst plays in the history of football. I have never seen a bigger implosion on one play in all the time I have been watching the Raiders.
  10. Another head scratcher. Every time Witten gets the ball I think to myself A) Why are we wasting a pretty good #2 TE on the bench, B)Why in the world are they throwing to Witten, he can't run. A once great player, but he can't run anymore. It's along the same lines as the "where the heck is Ruggs" conversation. He's literally the reason that put us over the top in beating the Chiefs, and a ghost since then. And not by his fault because they stopped taking shots with him. For that one fleeting moment we were a dangerous and aggressive team. If we only played and coached like that every week we wouldn't have tanked the damn season.
  11. This is the first thing I thought when I saw the play - cut Key tomorrow. You literally can't go anywhere near the QB'S HEAD ON ANY PLAY IN ANY PART OF ANY GAME, EVER. Much less try to completely rip his head off with 19 seconds left. Those 15 yards were brutal.
  12. How come noone else is posting about what might be the overall dumbest play in NFL history? 19 seconds left, no timeouts, 35 yard no look pass and receiver straight out of bounds to stop the clock, plus 15 yard face mask. Has anyone seem a team be any dumber on one single play? There's a reason why Callahan called this the dumbest team in America. It's because it is true.
  13. I agree they are pretty bad picks right now. Just two idiots out there. If the coaches have to go so far out of their way that they have to alter a defense radically to hide them, then they just have to get rid of them instead. I really think the issue with Arnette and Abram is that they are rookies and they are the outsized clown personalities on the defense. Gruden needs to sit them down and get it in their blockheads that he needs their comic relief to come with a heavy dose of leadership, professionalism, and doing their job 100% of the time. If they are the Alphas and the personalities on the defense, then they are the leaders. If they are out there winging it every other play or not carrying their responsibilities then they ARE the problem and not the solution. Time for Key to 100% go. Not a plus player. Collins, gone. Nassib, gone. Crosby, on thin ice. Littleton, gone. Leavitt, gone. Harris, gone. Abram, Arnette, on thin ice. Hurst, gone. McMillan, gone. Lawson, gone. Joyner, back to safety or gone. Want to get the defense together? Do this.
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