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  1. And the mike linebacker can drop further into coverage because they don’t have to worry about the rb coming out of the backfield.
  2. Only if we get to see said o lineman take a check down to the house Billy Bob style once in a while.
  3. Who’s gonna keep talking me off the Andy sux cliff J? Whatever you’re going thru I hope it turns out for the best for u man.
  4. I'll check out the post game quotes after games and the training camp videos but I think the last article I read on there was when Carson was still on the roster.
  5. Since none of our healthy TEs can block besides Hewitt I'm hoping for more of the jumbo o line packages. Maybe Andre at RT with Fisher at TE with at least the ability to catch a pass if the DE goes thru both of them.
  6. I started on the books two years ago thinking he would be done by the time I finished. Thought the new tool album would be out by then also so I guess I should temper my expectations better.
  7. I really enjoyed the finale. Still believe the show runners had more than a few bowels in the pants moments when they realized why it is taking so long for Martin to figure out an ending.
  8. The books are great and without an ending and the show is now ahead of where the books have stalled. The show (and books) is an amazing mix of political intrigue, fantasy tropes very well done, and superdisgusting human history all rolled into one. No pole barns tho unless you count a guy who lives in a frozen wasteland, takes all of his daughters as wives, and gives all of his sons of said daughter-wives over to a zombie-like death cult of unconscious reanimated corpses.
  9. Last season being the first that went past the books I felt the show got more fan-servicy and kinda got away from the spirit of the books. I still love the show but I really hope that all of the plot holes this season don't bring it off the rails.
  10. Without giving away spoilers, this season seems to defy any rules of travel for every living thing.
  11. Is anybody traveling to see the eclipse tomorrow? I've got the day off so I'm heading to Missouri with my four year old.
  12. Hey J, are we doing fantasy this year?
  13. Fav beer is Samuel Smith Oatmeal stout but the craft beer scene in Minneapolis is pretty awesome with Surly and Summit having the widest distribution I think. There are also a bunch of craft gin and vodka distillerys which means I should be tired of Moscow Mule's by now but not even close.
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