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  1. From a small school and then convert them
  2. I get it doesn't happen often. The odds of Mahomes scoring a TD in OT were decent enough to think about this. They had moved the ball consistently in the 2nd half, the defense was cooked at the end of regulation and overall the defense is the weakness of your team. We can look at TD%, but at some point you have to assess from what is seen on the field in that moment. In regards to the 2pt conversion, this isnt week 8. It's the Super Bowl and the rules are different. Why would a person not consider that they would go for two there? Do you want your best player controlling it or would you prefer that you give the other team another shot with no guarantee of getting the ball back after a third possession? This has to be thought through. Maybe it was. I highly doubt that it was because nothing Kyle has said would make anyone think he went through this in his head either before or during the game. Kyle claims to be a big coach from your gut guy. Takes the analytics and then decides. He chose the analytics on this and he was wrong. The analytics dont take into account a rule change or the size of a particular moment. It just made zero sense to A) take the ball first and then B) hand it back with a FG lead knowing that Mahomes was on the other side waiting for his chance he was getting regardless.
  3. I just can't imagine a World where anyone would think that Reid would not allow Mahomes to win or lose it. His strength versus the Niners weakness. I don't care about the Niners defense being gassed. You're getting the ball either way and if that required Purdy and the offense to have to go down and score then so be it. Shanahan's strength is offense. He has more data at that point in terms of what he needs and 4 downs to move the chains every time. Also, if we are so concerned with the defense being tired, why not call a timeout before the game winning play? It just does not rationally add up for me. Kyle continues to mis manage situations and then doesn't seem to learn or acknowledge it.
  4. It's still ridiculous that he assumed that Andy Reid would ever hand the ball back to him and his offense in a sudden death situation. If the Niners scored a TD, the Chiefs were going to go down and if they scored it was a go for 2 situation. We all should have known that. Andy was never going to leave it to his defense against Shanny's strength for the Super Bowl. He was always going to die with Mahomes against the 49ers weakness, the defense. These are the decisions that Kyle fails out repeatedly and I'm so completely tired of it. He coaches not to lose and as a result of it gets in the way. If you took the ball with the logic being the opportunity for first crack in sudden death why would you not look to score the TD over the FG? I get the FG makes the Chiefs have to score, but his logic is so screwed up.
  5. Bill Belichick would absolutely take these 49ers teams to the Super Bowl. He doesn't have Mac Jones here. He has taken many more teams with less talent to the show and finished. We don't get to just erase his history because without Brady the team has struggled. He would be coming into a situation with elite talent all over and a QB that has shown the ability to play the position at a high level consistently. Thats more than what he had in NE during Brady's era and more at the QB position than he had in recent years without Brady. This team would be a reallocation of assets and he would have finished the job.
  6. We've seen what it looks like with Mac at the helm. He was fine when Cassel had to play. Answer the question though. Do you think that Belichick would have gone 0-2 in these two Super Bowls? Considering we cannot look look at one facet and say the Niners players were terrible in either game. We can however, look at the HC decision making and question if that was up to the standard of a Super Bowl winning HC. So I ask again, would he have lost those two Super Bowls?
  7. Do you think that Belichick would have fumbled away all the opportunities Kyle has had?
  8. I dont think Reid and Kyle are as good as people claim they are. People were discussing Reid as a top 5 HC all time yesterday. He isn't even a top 10. I never said they were bad. Belichick has a track record that goes far beyond either of them. I believe Belichick is better at the planning and details side of the game than Kyle is and I believe him to be a better evaluator of talent. Would he fix everything? I didn't say that either, but I do believe on a team like this that is as turn key as they come he would finish the job.
  9. I couldn't agree more with this. Andy Reid has fumbled it away more than he has secured it. Mahomes makes up for his ineptitude.
  10. Also, I dont want to hear a damn word from this roster or organization next season about anything. This team has failed repeatedly and scapegoated player after player and used luck and situations as the reason behind their failure. There is one single common denominator in all of these and it's Kyle. Next season shut your mouth and figure out how to win despite your Head Coach.
  11. My only criticism of him in this scenario is not deferring to essentially control what you have to do and then justifying it by saying he was hoping for the 3rd possession if they were still tied. This makes sense to a point, but then why kick the FG on 4th and 4 knowing you are giving it up to Mahomes and a score beats you? If the worse case scenario there is to lose the SB, why does it matter if you kick the FG or not? Either way if they score they win, so give yourself a chance to not be beat by the TD by scoring one yourself.
  12. This sucked. I truly believe this team will not ever win with Kyle Shanahan as the HC. They lack focus and detail in the biggest moments. These things fall on the regime. Kyle once again fumbles it away. Keeping timeouts in your pocket before the half is as egregious as the other things I will mention, but it does not help. Wasted opps early in the game, abandoning the run game to start the second half. His inability to scheme up space for his horses. This guy is an offensive genius? This is what everyone says. Worst of all, he keeps 5 in on 3rd and 4 in a situation with the money on the table, knowing damn well that Spags is going to blitz and he calls a play that gets open no doubt, but calls for a chip from Kittle instead of keeping him in and blocking 6 with 6 resulting in a throw away from Purdy who couldn't even hit his back foot before having pressure in his face. Many are going to say Purdy needs to make that check, but why even put him in that position when we all know what is coming. He thinks its ok to pinch pennies on O lineman and the team pays the price. My issue with Kyle will always be that he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. The smartest guy in the room often times gets caught unprepared for the counter of someone else in the room. Kyle believes other teams have to gameplan around him, but when he needs to gameplan around what they do he falls apart. I know people are afraid of going back to what it was pre Harbaugh, but at some point it has to be realized he isnt the guy to do it. Belichick is sitting there. I get you have to sell him on the idea of Lynch being the GM, which I believe you can. I understand with a change comes an overhaul in coaching and players due to schematic things, but if this team has to wait another 4-6 years they wont get it done with this group. Im also aware that nothing I want will actually happen because Jed is a coward who is ok with just getting there.
  13. Agree. The defense didn't take the field thinking they could give up a TD. The reality is that the only difference is that both teams get to possess the ball unless the defense scores a TD because that is considered a change in possession. They knew when they went on the field that they had to hold them to a FG or less to either win or keep playing. Anyone focusing on this isnt acknowledging the real issues.
  14. Wins and losses in most games, but especially close ones always come down to the details. This team right now is not sharp on the details. I assume they have become complacent as can happen when you have sustained success. - CMC fumble inside the 10 - Greenlaw letting Addison get over the top - Ward not coming away with the INT - Wilks blitzing with :16 to go before the half - Huf being the free blitzer and just not getting there with urgency - Purdy throwing 2 picks that are bad throws So on and so forth. No reason to sound the alarm as some talking heads are going to tell you to. These guys will clean up the details, but this is exactly the reason why I no longer really care about what this team does until playoffs get going. It is their M.O. to have weird stretches where they get sloppy and get away from what they do best when they are at their best. It is the Kyle Shanahan thumb print thus far. He has to find a way to re-focus the group on the little stuff. I though Brock looked really good prior to those last 2 picks. He appeared to see it well and was moving well. Just a bad throw that got away and a forced one in a bad spot.
  15. Agree, but Mattison when given the opportunity throughout a game has done ok. He's extremely inefficient, but if he sees 18 carries something went wrong.
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