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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Nope...I know what I've done each night my friend. No mistake at all Blue defending hard on Tk3, spinning everywhere
  2. After multiple times trying to use his civ cred to defend Pickle and move the vote elsewhere...you call that bussing lmao
  3. Nope, Tk3 would have never went to Mwils to fail, he would have gone to Nachos
  4. Just so its out there since I'm out Jlash was 100% forthcoming with his target being Nacho and being redirected to Mwil. My move worked as intended Tk3 did not target Mwil. He would have been redirected to Nacho. He didnt say this He posted saying how he failed on Mwil was because of Jlash...not revealing anything about a 2nd move or being roleblocked. Tk3 lied, is lying, period
  5. I've revealed my info. Dont care what else happens. What Tk3 said and says does not line up with reality. Either he is lying scum or lying
  6. You are caught, don't see any other explanation here. Your own words trapped you
  7. Ah, so you thought Jlash stopped you from targetring Mwil, no mention of being roleblocked all together. Convenient shift in what happened last night Tk3 is on the run....get him!
  8. Tk3 caught red handed lying about what he did at night Forge: Nothing to see here
  9. Level 1 bus drive points Level 2 bus drive moves Level 3 bus drive moves and points Level 4...I'll leave that a secret for now
  10. Fortification 4 levels Carnage 4 levels Last night went to level 3 of Carnage
  11. My move was successful this time and my targets were as chosen. Last time it was successful but the targets were different than I chose. I was told who my move actually worked on each time
  12. Don't know, maybe a game plan to try and clear Tk3 from the beginning.
  13. I drove all moves used on Mwil to Nacho and all moves on Nacho to Mwil You didn't say your target was Nacho and redirected to Mwil and failed so... Tk3
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