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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So the thing that power ups players and gives them better roles?
  2. 1. Correct but based on #2 below it was him at least. Maybe Racks as well, but at least Swoosh 2. Go back and read my multiple posts about. Skywind sent Player B to Swoosh, its all but certain it went there. No one would use a redirect on a fake player that they didn't know goes somewhere at night. Based on Player Bs revealed role it dies if Swoosh is NOT Isaac or tainted. He claimed he IS Isaac and wasn't tainted. Meaning Player B wouldn't have died...but it did. Then look at the writeup that it died via a sword and then look at Player Bs role with the sword picture about its night move 3. Cause he couldn't have got the info on me N3. I'll explain tomorrow (this is not known yet cause I havent claimed yet. I've been up 24 hours basically. I've got to go to bed
  3. These are related and proves Swoosh is scum. I'll claim my role tomorrow hopefully before the Gator game. Swoosh is 100% caught again So, 1. Caught in @jasonwbantle dream given to Orca 2. Caught by Player B controlled by @skywindO2 revealed by Skywinds info in conjunction with Player Bs death writeup and role info 3. Caught by his claiming to have info on me from N3
  4. You all should think...why would I do that, but I didn't refuse, I just answered it in many many many different ways. So why does it matter
  5. I'm usually on everyone's list. Thats nothing new. Doesnt mean its accurate The writeups in these games usually have little clues and the sword is the clue that links Skywinds move with Player B and Swoosh. It isn't a guarantee, nothing really is these games. What you have to do is look at probabilities. The probability that a player would redirect player B at night without knowing player B goes somewhere is basically 0. Meaning Player B reached its destination of Swoosh if @skywindO2 is telling the truth, which i believe he is unless he is scum, which i don't believe. Player B returned to life as I believe he said it would and looks to be after him. All clues of a genuine claim and telling the truth Then you add in your dream invest gifted to me. You know it was real, I know it was real. You have to take a leap of faith that I told everyone the correct names. It is what it is, im telling the truth. If I was scum it would have been easier to say I got nothing honestly. People probably would have lynched you. High probability. Id say that adds weight to my truthfulness, but thats for you and everyone else to decide Then you need to think about how games are setup. Nacho games usually have more than 1 scum faction. Either two basically equal ones or a mafia/cult. Both are bad and threats to town. Even if Swoosh isn't Bible, its all but certain he isnt town. Given he lied about his alignment, most likley probability wise a threat to town. Look at the reveals of other nontown players. 2 have flipped nontown, but town friendly. Odds of being 3 of those in a game like this aren't high. Are they low, maybe not. Probably 35% chance. Then look at when Swoosh was made the claim. I believe he had been the leading vote getter with like 4 votes based on the dream (ill check later). If he is scum which seems the highest probability given the above, he must do something to appear town again. To do that he gives town Josh's name. Now most likley he wouldn't give up his own teammate so maybe not Bible aligned, then again Josh had been missing all game so bussing his teammate is a win/win for him if he is Bible. So he isnt cleared of anything and given skywinds info is most likley scum of some kind. If he isnt Bible he most likely is cult based on him being coy about his move. As a cult he might be able to recruit anyone who wasn't Bible aligned so if he failed on Josh that was a good bet, kind of like an invest. Which a few games ago I used that exact tactic with Swoosh when we were the cult. The probability he uses it again when he can id say is high I'm not sure what im saying at the moment so ill pause and see if this made sense even to me
  6. Alright ill start easy Do you understand the case made in this post @jasonwbantle Click the little link thing and go look at it with the quotes supplied of the death writeup and role information for Player B
  7. Not being truthful about your alignment is highly correlated with him being a threat to town. Swoosh was a prime suspect in the Dream. He had to do something to lessen the suspicion
  8. See the write up for Player B. Died by a sword to the eye. You see his move. Has a sword next to it. If he visits a player who ISNT Isaac he dies...sword. If he visits a player who IS tainted he dies...sword. Swoosh says he is Isaac and wasn't tainted. He is lying, he is caught, he is scum Thanks for playing, "Things Orca knows part 1", Alex @jasonwbantle I am town, your dream worked, Swoosh is scum Anyone want to discuss this clear depiction of Swoosh being caught Swoosh By the way, this is me trying as town 🤣 Fun to get serious again in one of these games
  9. I'm trying with him, I really am lol So is Player B going to keep going on a random killing spree once you are dead?
  10. Are you the SK? Ask Nacho if Raves was protected would he have lived the kill
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