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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. So how it most commonly works is like an invest but you essentially invest everyone who lynched the days lynch. Say Bcb is the lynch it would tell you how many scum lynched him
  2. It finds out how many scum are on the lynch. Some different variations of it as well
  3. You just said conductor just so you could use this gif 🤣
  4. Your continued thought process that everything written is the truth, but it is what it is
  5. I thought one of Gopher's game hit it. Maybe it didnt get that high
  6. In Poker, do you scream and celebrate if you get AA to start? Do you fold with bad cards everytime? Do you bluff? Do you throw a parade if you get a Royal Flush before betting? If someone goes all in do you fold cause you think they have the best hand no matter what? Do you go all in with bad cards?
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