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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Probably why he wanted myself or Pickle tied with him
  2. Reread everything and let me know if you still think I backtracked 🤣
  3. I'm just drawing names out of a hat. Id suggest reading but that's not your style
  4. Looks like it should have been a double lynch, but wasn't cause your vote was missed
  5. Yeah, which wouldn't mean much if you were scum and the deadline was between 2 town...
  6. I didn't want to say it but I had that thought lol. He is pretty much backing himself into a corner with not much to gain by it, so best to let it play out imo
  7. You were, but also from Squire's vote pattern at the end im more inclined to believe mafia was spread out and on the Tk3 line you stand out as scum vs Hokie (though his claim is sketchy at the moment) and he voted in OT you didn't. So if Sanchez is town it would lead to me thinking you have way more odds of being scum staying out of OT between 2 town
  8. I dont want to/cant include you at the moment in that segment
  9. Swoosh's vote was moved to Jason. Is that right? This vote count is pretty fascinating With Squire not voting in OT. Maybe it seems like Sanchez is town as well. Squire also didn't vote Tk3 in regulation which would have been an easy vote with all the movement if Sanchez was scum with him Which puts the focus back on the people who were not voting in OT and not part of the top 2 lynches Blue Raves Matts Malf Bcb If Sanchez is town I'm looking at these
  10. I mean the obvious reply is: "So you can say this exact post" FIFY 1. We did lose a player with tact and decency issues (yes i had to look up tact, bravo for that lol) 2. Not a big loss
  11. Thats a bummer now, also I don't necessarily think he would be able to give away 2 in a night. Just something to be mindful of
  12. Squire always claims JOAT when scum or caught scum i believe. Easiest claim to make. Forge is pretty believable from what has been presented and how he has played. Squire is cooked here
  13. Why do you think Forge is scum? What did you do last night?
  14. I think Matts is claiming it, but I was thinking he tried to use a move on me, which according to malf I was wrong
  15. @Pickle Rick vote Squire and let us know all the craziness that has happened
  16. In all likelihood the kills were from Town/SK/Mafia. Not all from scum and probably bound to get a cross kill from the scum though
  17. I basically keep getting town (minus an indy and a cult that failed lol) and its getting to me
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