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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Turn your plumis on yourself and see if the doors unlock once you lose 16 pints of blood, or so I've been told by Evil Morty. That guy creeps me out sometimes
  2. Well howdy doody, nice to see you pop in here before the purge. This old timer doesn't read too well any more, but he does do numbers pretty decent. You know somethan we don't I reckon?
  3. Jodelle hold down Photography Raptor. Now this won't hurt a bit. Mr. Poopybutthole bought you a specially designed translator, so now every time you say rawr it will translate it so we know what you are really thinking *Mr. Poopybutthole, here are your armored plated diapers with sniper scope and .50 cal attachment. Have fun out there
  4. Welcome Mr. Poopybutthole, we have your special delivery right here. Please have a seat in our VIP lounge while we get it for you
  5. Did I make the wrong one, well ****. When does this purge start, maybe we can beat some people to death with the hot girl dolls
  6. We can make those kind of dolls as well. Might take a few days to get the detail of Raves screaming for help on them, but it is possible
  7. I'm getting a little old, whats up with the toast? *hey Shleemypants, put down the Hayden dolls. Those are for a special customer
  8. Sounds good friend. Since you like to do some bad stuff as well, throw in an extra pound of time crystals and you can take what you want in the knives and torture instruments section, aisle 13
  9. I have a feeling when the killing starts you may need some extra help. Body armor and rocket launcher bazooka suits are on isle 10. Hopefully you get there before the siren goes off. I wish you luck friend, you are gonna need it
  10. Well if you want to pay the premium I've got a stash of pure Purgenol I usually keep for myself. I think I left it in the back. Give me 2 pounds of time crystals and I think we can come to an arrangement
  11. I myself don't partake in the acid baths. To lazy. If you really want to get your hands dirty during the Purge id suggest the flamethrower on isle 9 or the Space Gatlin uzi on isle 6. Both can take out a lot of targets at once. Bit messy though, so you may want some back up clothes or hazmat suits on isle 2
  12. Sure I am, but you better get your supplies now, before we run out. Once the killing starts things get pretty messy. Come on over to the kitchen are if you need anything We do it all here at the General Store. Mind control, murder weapons, food supplies, hacked ads, heck we are better than Google and Amazon I reckon We have made enough money in the first seconds that we moved into the kitchen. Its a fast growing business you see
  13. Well, im just this town's General Store Owner, but seems to me its getting pretty late. Only 2 nights until the culling. You all can help yourself to any supplies you need. We just got in a great supply of Yummy Yums and Yummy Yums that are Purgenol free. If you are going to partake in the killing id suggest to stay away from the Purgenol free ones. Let me know if you need any help shopping for a specific item
  14. Looks like I've been playing against myself for a couple of years
  15. Sign Ups @swoosh @Pickle Rick Shleemypants @Dome Hamuri @The Orca General Store Owner @TheKillerNacho Photography Raptor @Matts4313 Evil Morty @Malfatron Space Beth @Raves Duck with Muscles @Scoundrel Reverse Giraffe @JoshstraDaymus Piece of toast @bcb1213 Annie @Blue @TL-TwoWinsAway Ghost in a jar @jasonwbantle Mr. Meeseeks @Tk3 Jerry @Forge Beth @11sanchez11 @MWil23 Tinkle @squire12 Mrs. Refrigerator @Karnage84 @Daniel
  16. Since it's a pick your own character game, it doesn't appear you would need to know much at all, but you REALLY should watch the show/episode. Its amazing
  17. I think we have tk3, Sanchez, Forge needed to add to that list as well
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