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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Then clearly you get 2nd. As you can still tell I'm completely spaced out except knowing a Ranch hand needed some cowboy justice this game lol
  2. True but he lynched all 3 scum i think and blocked a hit. Overall weight id say he played the best of town. Then Swoosh, but he got got early
  3. Almost 0%, but not 0% imo. Its basically will vary host to host whether you can hit your own teammate on purpose. Most will not let you. Some will. But I've only seen it like 1 time that it was allowed and used
  4. Its Raves imo. Nontown who lost can't get MVP I've been told 👽
  5. Once you learn more roles, setups, play with a power, etc you will get a better grasp and it will help a lot as well. Suspecting Raves at the end probably wouldn't have happened. He was a cleared town, which should have made the vote easier for you since you knew you were town and Dome should have been "cleared" in a sense due to his character (though that can get in a grey area)
  6. Town actually did rather well with limited moves and a scum pardon imo
  7. It was more fun just trying to pistol whip the ranch hands 🤣
  8. Yep to be expected for sure, but it does sound like Josh was a good lynch D1. Id say a little more than luck for some that voted him. Swoosh was pretty spot on on his reads early as well (except for me). If you have a strong eye for variances, and analyzing thread play you can be pretty good, even early in the game, but you are still more likley than not to miss at that stage. People shouldn't be down cause they lynch town early and they shouldn't punish people for missing early (Except Nacho, punish him for every miss he leads 🤣)
  9. Why did you vote me out I'm curious? It made sense for town, I needed to go to clear up the suspects better Were you playing straight as town at that point? Figured you would keep me around cause I wasn't going to lynch you due to the claim
  10. Just 2 Nacho/Scoundrel. Wanted them farm hands lol Nope I didn't
  11. It was cause he did some of the exact things he did in Criminal minds mafia. Just spinning the topic elsewhere from what I said. I think pages 100-about 150 i was pretty active
  12. I was responsible for 1 town death. Next game ill just no lynch then lol
  13. Yep Bucs was my N1 vote, not sure how it got switched
  14. I didn't read 75% of the thread, even on some things I quoted. Things happen. I told you all which would have been the for sure town characters. You all should have known from that
  15. I think everyone in the game that was active said I was scum at some point. That made the game fun
  16. I would have lynched him if so 🤣. That was fake as ****. Why didn't anyone tell me. Ranch hand was one of their fake claims
  17. Great game, I think it hurt when you claimed Indy voting me. Probably could have just done it without the claim, everyone else was 🤣
  18. I mean Pickle pardoning himself as mafia when everyone thought it was a detahproof. Fake ranch hand claim, got ET as scum before he was lynched (wrong on his partner in that post lol). Got all the Dutton roles as town/indy and not fake Heck you all lynched Monica 🤣 I wasn't right on Nacho/Scoundrel though that sucked Pretty good for reading about 50 pages
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