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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Let's see if voting opposite Nacho/Tk3 works
  2. Nah. That didn't work out 10 times last game
  3. Means nothing imo. Its Scoudrel. If I switch it would be on Squire though cause I trust Dome
  4. Ranch Hands on Hokie Mix on Squire Dutton, Dutton adjacent on Nacho Dutton on TL
  5. I wouldn't be stuck on that. If Swoosh had something he would have claimed it 100% imo, especially with how vanilla the game seems and how he asked me if I had info and what it was
  6. You might want to claim your character at this point. Might help or hurt, but its more info to make a decision either way
  7. True. I guess I shouldn't use that word due to how many meanings it has
  8. I wasn't speaking chronicalogically this time
  9. You defended Nacho multiple times D2 and then voted him and switched to Matts My mind doesn't work like others, so yes lol. After losing 1 mafia on D1 its possible I'm going to eat lunch now
  10. Yeah a few things and that was only in a small segment of posts. I'm done trying to convince people, last game wore me out and gave me a bad taste that has extended into this game. Vote or don't vote. I'm done trying to explain
  11. Yep that's a good point. Also add in that he is confident the writeup does not reveal if its a pardon or scum godfather, but thinks Pickle is 100% scum. Isnt allowing for the possibility that Pickle is telling the truth. So he is going against his own words and not thinking critically in the process
  12. This is the classic spin to get out of something, you make a statement and then post something at the end that doesnt make sense but pushing suspicion and adds an air of discredit to the orginal point that the person was making
  13. This reminds me @TL-TwoWinsAway why did you go away from the Nacho vote, not sure if you answered earlier when I asked
  14. How is that a lie, you claimed to be mafia
  15. Se you are dodging again. I'm not discussing whether it's most likley a vanilla game based on certain aspects we have seen. Im discussing why you stated it as a fact. I am not debating the point made, but rather how you made it
  16. You did. Clear as day. Not sure how anyone missed it. This should be an easy vote after you claimed mafia
  17. But you stated it as fact and not in your opinion
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