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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I mean it worked out still, so don't fix what isn't broken
  2. If it will prove my theory I'm down. Just hope its not too late for a mislynch
  3. Won't. Im town. No one else has agreed with me and I still won't stop. A ranch hand claim was fake
  4. Sticking with it. A ranch hand claim was scum. So TL
  5. If this is right I will retire for good (odds are against me but let's see)
  6. 100% town. I'm Raves' wife 🤣 Pickle is an unknown. If we lynched me earlier you all would have known though if it was a pardon or something else and whats funny is I think ET did try to do that when I suggested it
  7. If they hit successfully and it was a mislynch, yes. Assuming Bcb has 1-1 Ratio for the win
  8. 8, only way its game is if its a mislynch with 3 mafia and a successful hit
  9. Nope But funny you think its over. If it was 2 scum left, game isn't over
  10. Well for half a day now Scoundrel/TL is a viable option what do you think of that route?
  11. *and Dome So who pushed any of those 3 today to begin with?
  12. If its 2 then that fits what Scoundrel and TL have been doing regardless. I covered that in my mind as well lol. We shall see I think me being on Scoundrel/TL, you being on ET limited their options if it was indeed was 3 as scum. Their option are also limited because Raves is cleared Pickle is an unknown that survived 1 time already, which leaves me and you or them
  13. I can't prove what I dont know...so yeah you did that wrong 🤣
  14. I think I figured this out...maybe Scoundrel, TL, ET Scoundrel and TL have teamed up to push ET like crazy and ET is sticking with his "for sure" Scoundrel push. Matched what everyone else is pushing and better for Scoundrel/TL if its ET that goes between the 3, since 2 would be on the lynch Just a theory but I'm liking it Makes sense that ET hasn't claimed either and started with the im not reading PM "gameplay" Based on claims and some thread play Town: me, Raves, Dome, Tk3 (though he is the black sheep of the family) Scum: Scoundrel, TL, ET Unknown/Indy: Pickle (could flip him and ET though), but with my theory I like it this way for now If there is only 2 scum left, Scoundrel and TL imo
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