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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Didnt you say he lied before that, and what lie did Malf get caught in? Who did you invest last night?
  2. 1. I thought we couldnt post until N1 was done once we got roles. Counselor, KSJ and some others did post though. I'd bet money, Mwil if town, would have been as well 2. Pickle was the night kill 3. Mwil makes this post entering the day following the night writeup He is clearly showboating the double vote imo. Its pretty powerful as a town role and something that I personally would keep hidden in some compacity, especially in a small game. He didnt. He came out with it as a look at me I'm town style 4. A double vote or steal vote in a small game imo would be scum. Fits if there is 2 or 3 person scum group imo. If higher, it doesnt imo. 5. He was resigned to be the lynch when he had 3 votes and 8 hours to go. Seemed like the ah shucks you are wrong but I'll take the lynch approach as scum trying to get votes to move 6. 3 people have defended him in some compacity. Seems over the top for a "D1"
  3. I'm town Do you want the whole breakdown or the key points?
  4. I could actually see it being 8-4, but just depends on the roles. If its 8-4, then yeah it's for sure town imo. 9-3 with a steal a vote or double vote I could see. Might just be how he has played the whole thing that gives me the scummy feeling
  5. I think normally double vote is townish, but I've got the feeling with how Mwil presented it, it may be scum
  6. So what does everyone think of Mwil having a double vote and KSJ not having a vote?
  7. Orca 1a. What is the make/model/year of the truck? It was a 2008 Chevy Silverado 2b. Why didnt you go into the restaurant to make an announcement? There was barely any damage and I didnt want to deal with any of it 2a. How close were the line of cars behind you? Normal highway car distance between vehicles 2b. What was the "nearly identical" car? A black 4 door sedan
  8. Why Matts? Why the resolve to be lynched with so much time left and so few votes on you?
  9. Was that enough for you to believe Matts was trying to frame Mwil? That's a pretty substantial post/claim
  10. Has he used the, "Mwil wanting to off Scrappy" though?
  11. #2 in the rules. You can state your ability, alignment, or night info....just not your character
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