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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Thought this as well. Complete vanishing act. I dont think he has made a post since Tuesday
  2. Depends. I think Pickle is BoB and lied cause if lynched he loses. Read back a few pages to get the reasoning and breakdown
  3. D1- Bcb lynched was a town normie N1- Nothing happened D2- Fin was lynched was Scum Altuve N2- Counselor died was infected N1 D3- Daboyle was lynched was Scum Patient Zero N3- Nothing happened, Matts claimed he was infected So what we know Counselor was hit by the faction N1 and Matts N3. The N2 faction is unknown/unclaimed D1 Counselor claims Brix is hit by the faction D1 Mwil claims Fauci and no one counterclaims Assumption- if Mwil is town scum used the Bat on him for sure N1. Considering he is alive and hasnt claimed to be infected, it would either miss or he is infected - if Mwil is scum, would make sense he is still alive and not infected or claimed to be infected. N2 faction hasnt been seen and Mwil still was the only Fauci so, most likley Mwil is scum since he still hasnt been targeted (hasnt claimed it) - Odds are Mwil is original scum based on his game play or converted to mafia
  4. Alright. Explain this fancy chart. I'm a tad lost at the moment, and this would help. What do the italic names mean? What does the "not infected N2" thing mean (I mean, I know it means that I wasn't infected, but how do you know that?)? And I'm assuming that the bolds are lynches? The bolded is confirmed scum The underlined are the two people claiming the same role The "not infected" are the results from Swoosh The italicized is italicized
  5. I'll say this slowly so I dont have to say it again... This isnt a cult game, it's an infected game. The people who have their alignment change it's only a 33% chance with a 33% chance of nothing and a 33% chance of dying. No way Pickle risks killing me just to change my alignment If I was infected and had my alignment change, I would have claimed who I thought JJ and Boris was I havent been infected and I am town
  6. Agreed I also look at it from this view point If Pickle was scum with Fin and Daboyle. Where are the other two votes? To be in that situation would have been a failure or just scummates trying to eat each other (Fin) Doesnt smell right. Now if you assume Pickle is BoB or Trump, it fits better. When the claim was made, fits better as BoB
  7. Seems ET voted Swoosh after Mwil (who changed) and never moved. Pickle voted Swoosh right after Matts claimed Xi with 15 min left. Kind of to save himself and not hurt town it appears. Daboyle remained on Matts and Fin voted Pickle for comparison of confirmed scum
  8. I agree on the continuing, but if he is BoB, it's not clear who the real Trump is yet, why blow it before need be He is valuable to town dead and lesser so alive, so after the claim to survive the lynch he is at the mercy of town which benefits from his death. It's a tough game to play if he is BoB. Town is incentivized to lynch him in a way and he has already claimed a power role that was countered It's also in a way an incentive for scum to lynch him depending on when he is outed. After two scum got lynched, scum may want to lynch him to buy a day and removing a town number, so claiming BoB is a delicate balance
  9. So in your idea of the game, Fin tried to lynch Pickle who he is scum with him and Daboyle who is also scum with him was just going to let Pickle be lynched when he could have easily saved him without drawing much attention. Claiming Trump that late serves little purpose other than hoping 1 or 2 votes jump off Pickle being Trump is possible though Disagree completely. If he is Bob, he can basically only lose by lynch, claiming Trump was smart. Claiming BoB he is lynched there He only got a bunch of votes cause he hadnt been getting heat. So a bunch of people jumped on. If he was Bob he was playing it well
  10. VC 6 fin - orca, matts, counselor, swag, swoosh, shady 4 swoosh - et, hobo (not infected N2), mse, pickle 5 pickle - bcb, mwil, lefty, fin, forge (not infected N3) 3 matts - n4l, biggio, daboyle, 1 swag - mega ron Didnt vote- md4l, mookie, josh, dome I think this vote count will be key as we go on. I think it's what the end count was on N2
  11. Imo Pickle posted this to get votes off of him After this Pickle has a little over a min to change his vote to Fin and it would be 6-5 Here he had the chance to change it to make fin the lynch Shady does Knowing Pickle, I feel strongly he would have bussed fin at the end. He would have been refreshing every second and he tries to maintain not being lynched as scum without an invest and not linking himself to other scummates. 5 votes on Swoosh or 5 on fin or lynching fin...with Fin being no move and not posting...he is bussing Fin imo at the end Is it a guarantee, no, but that's what I'm betting Only thing that changes it, is if he is OJ. And then I'd bet he claims Trump sooner to get a counter claim, which he didnt Based on your vote count with 2 min left, if Fin is with Pickle he doesnt vote Pickle, daboyle votes Swoosh along with Fin and it's not a problem. Either it was a colossal failure as scum or Pickle is BoB. I'm staying with Pickle is BoB at the moment
  12. @Mega Ron @Shady Slim @MookieMonstah @mse326 @HoboRocket @ET80 @Pickle Rick @Dome @Matts4313 @Lefty @bcb1213 @JoshstraDaymus @biggio7 @MD4L We need some real comments and thoughts from you all today. Get caught up and post please
  13. Absolutley disagree. If both were scum he is voring Fin to save himself if the vote is between the two. Unless he was Rudy or OJ. Even then I'd say he most likely still does
  14. @swoosh Did you invest Pickle or ET, if so I'd suggest letting us know sooner rather than later, especially if we have a short day tomorrow. Like maybe no later than noon tomorrow
  15. I do not. I'm in between on both ET and Pickle. I posted a few times last night that I'm actually feeling Pickle as BoB instead of scum If Pickle was scum and his scummate came on with about 30 min until night and voted him to put him in the lead, I'd almost assuredly would assume Pickle would vote him back to put him up there was well. Now if that scummate was Fin and Fin has the most useless role, I 100% believe Pickle would do that. I know I would, but Pickle didnt So I'm kind of thinking ET is Trump, im not sold on it and not sold on Pickle being scum Could he be, it's possible for sure, I'm just stuck on that voting sequence D2 Also, this being N4, let's see if one of the trumps can take out the other I'd say use the lynch looking for another scum
  16. 1. This isnt a cult game as many are used to, the people who do turn has no communication with scum as well. You keep pounding on the "you would have culted Forge so you all can wreck the game before dying" without acknowledging how that would have worked, that there is a 66% chance he either dies or remains town, and a 33% chance he would become scum but you wouldnt know unless he told everyone in thread 2. Saying something for the first time isnt repeating 3. Why MSE? This is the 2nd guy connected to Mwil imo
  17. As for N4L: 1. As mentioned above, he followed Mwils "fake" invest rather easily D1 and then dissapeared for a bit. When he came back, he waivered between a few people before settling on Mwil at the end of D1 2. In OT he switches his vote from Mwil to Bcb 3. This vote was ths first vote cast on Fin in the middle of D2 Seems out of place and with no reason, goes I to point 4 below 4. Even though he was first to vote Fin in the game (other than Fin), he ends D2 on Matts who had claimed Xi. He was also ths first to post after night was run and basically "clearing" the people who voted Fin and wanted to show everyone he was first to vote him. Seems like he is trying to distance himself from Fin and make himself look better in the eyes of "town"
  18. Basically I look at Mwil like this 1. Faked an invest D1 and didnt let up on it. Could have lynched a town power role. D1 isnt the time to do that. Luckily for him it wouldnt have mattered other than losing town based on a fake invest 2. In OT claimed a town power role, if you (Fauci) would have counter claimed the you could have been dead N1. This claim served no use at all and he has refused to answer to it 3. If town, hr tried to get himself lynched D1 in OT. Bcb did similar, but he posted his reasoning, Mwil hasnt 4. The next day he copped to the gambit and recognized a pattern seen from it. This was the easy latch on votes of Counselor and N4L. I pointed this out mid day on D1, but Mwil never acknowledged it at the time and then when he did the next day, kepted wavering off of it 5. Continued push with the "contradiction" angle that really are not contradictions all while contradicting himself. May just be him phoning it in, but that's partly how I determined he was scum the last two times for sure 6. Hasnt helped much at all. Been more of an annoying voice then actually trying to solve the game in the thread 7. I feel he is linked to 2 people. 1 being N4L 8. He is either trolling town as town at the detriment of town or he is scum or Bob 9. I have asked a multiple of varying and numerous question that he has ignored or said he has answered when it's clear he has not
  19. Trump is an even night move so he can do it tonight Also, 1 could be BoB
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