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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Anyone who doesnt vote me I wont vote the rest of the game (even if it means I get axed later)
  2. For the most part. He has been pretty stuck on MSE for a similar reason he was on Pickle He did claim he got a 50/50 from JJ
  3. 2 BCB- MSE, Swoosh 2 MSE- Orca- Mega 1 Josh- Forge 1 Matts- Josh 1 Lefty- Matts
  4. He revealed that after Swoosh revealed it, but that was more so a null tell imo Swoosh had revealed the info basically, so anything ET said was pointless in determining much, but he did claim to recieve 2 of the PMs, where Pickle claimed they all failed
  5. Other than after he came back, very limited posting imo
  6. To continue @mse326 You think Bcb enters for Ted into the game Aligned with Pickle and when he has 0 votes and the top 8 vote getters (assuming you and Hobo are town) are all town and not a part of them, Bcb would start pushing Pickle trying to get him lynched?
  7. Bcb enters the game Votes Pickle Explains his read. After this, there is a bunch of votes on Pickle, up to 5 or 6 I believe. At that point, N4L counters with Matts. Tells Daboyle to vote there, then Matts pops to the top with votes from Daboyle, Biggio, Pickle, me This is just off on how Bcb played D1 in general lol Once Matts claims you jump onto Swoosh, forgoing your Mwil vote that you have been on the whole game basically. After this you go back to Mwil until he is gone and now to Bcb Your range of suspects this game has seemed rather limited. Not neccesarily a bad thing, but interesting when you look at this vote and your defense of Pickle as Trump and I believe Counselor as the Bat victim N1 I'd lean you and Biggio right now
  8. Which of the people that could be the bat, do you think is the bat and why?
  9. So Swoosh- claimed Fauci, clean N6 Matts- claimed Xi, infected N3, clean N4 Forge- clean N3 Josh- Mega- claimed BoB Biggio Orca- clean N5 Dome- Hobo- clean N2 Lefty- gonna be modkilled MSE- Shady- Bcb- Josh Biggio Dome MSE Shady Bcb This is the pool of players for the Bat I think we gotta keep going down it, starting with MSE, His defense of Pickle and focus on Mwil has me worried Shady and Bcb I'm giving a pass for their Pickle push though I'm concerned there, Dome is being this way on purpos- dont see it as scum, Biggio has basically been nonexistent but he has voted, josh the same
  10. Bat N1, Unknown N2. Matts N3, ET N4?, Unknown M5, Unknown N6. 4 converts possibly by tonight So 2 original plus 4 so 6 total 14 left 7-6-1 basically at best (not including the lynch tonight). Mafias wincon is still a bit a ways away though. They need better than 1:1 and Trump/Boris dead or everyone in the game infected Did you really invest yourself lol In the OP its says you are informed if killed or infected
  11. Part of it comes down to the strategy others use as well
  12. That tomorrow will be 1 page total instead of 3?
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