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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. According to Slappy and Sanchez I think the infected people can die when Slappy does, also I think Slappy said he was blocked last night If we can eliminate mafia and keep Slappy contained its the best path. If we can't contain Slappy, I agree he needs to go
  2. Forge was the Jailer, ud say he was a roleblock/jail
  3. Sanchez rolecop N1: Slappy, poisoner N2: Nacho, is the double vote and town based on all the info he gets Scoundrel cop N1: Forge, red N2: Deadpulse, town Daboyle tracker N1: Slappy visited Sanchez N2: Nacho, mo where Josh backup-reverend N2: Nacho, hasn't sinned Orca redacted Knows via night move Nacho didn't kill Racks, move wasn't on Nacho Malf tracker N2: Nacho visited Racks Recanted saud it was for reads I think this is them so far
  4. Scum just trying to get in your head. You softed backup and Reverend multiple times I believe
  5. You rolecopped the claimed double vote, were you expecting it to say double secret ninja killer or something. His role is essentially known, why not rolecop an unknown
  6. So, Sanchez rolecopped Nacho (not believable) Josh figured out Nacho hasn't sinned Daboyle tracked? Nacho and he went no where Orca knows via his move Nacho didn't kill Racks (not a move on Nacho though) Is this the most info on a double vote in 1 night ever (pretty unbelievable)
  7. Only viable options are vote steal or put a -1 on someone Kind of leaning Nacho is clean and you are though. Buys you a day. Then push Slappy next day, so 2 days no mafia lynch
  8. No its 100% clear Nacho couldn't have killed Racks Nacho could have done 1 thing where he visits and id say he is scum if so...but it wasn't a kill
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