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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. This is the only decent aspect of it, limiting who to look at....should have stopped the original push and focused on the individuals of the limited field, which actual reasons from there
  2. Between he and Gopher...Gopher is playing more like he did 2 games ago when we were scum ( but he always does)
  3. Copy paste the tags from pg 1 into Google sheets keeps the hyperlink
  4. Probably got tired of copy paste rearranging vote count and started typing in the short versions
  5. I think these were all their posts after it was theorized...Gopher hasn't posted i believe Which of them seems counter to their precieved town response?
  6. **** no. We vote who we think is scum. Nothing is limited to your fake list thats 100% based on an incorrect reasoning It doesn't add up and I'm dumber for having the conversation
  7. Correct. I didnt say he shortened everone's name. The one's he did at that point lost the hyperlinks. No other reason or anything to read into. Just happened to be those names
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