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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Its fake, false, and fabricated. Now is there scum in the group of 5, yeah most likely given its basically 1/3 of the game, but the hyperlinks were removed when he shorthanded their names in vote counts after the first one Sanchez instead of 11sanchez11 Slappy instead of Slappy MC And so on
  2. It was good to see some reactions, but you need to stop pushing this false reasoning
  3. Need to take these crazies out before they kill anyone else on this mountain (unless Dome's stew is ready, im hungry)
  4. Much funnier, but the real reason is obvious if you look closer Slappy's response is interesting...almost want to leave him around for it
  5. Yeah, but you had like 6 days to get me 2 games ago and couldn't (though started great) and mafia steamrolled you all last game, with you clearing 1 of them I think
  6. Thats interesting...doesn't match what I've seen parts of the last 2 games
  7. Oregon Trail Deliverance Style....when you get to the river and hear banjo music, do you keep going Does anyone But what are we eating? Nobody wants to go hunting, just load up with oxen and axels Thats 2 for the Scoundrel method. Throw logic aside and hit the gas
  8. Id spread it evenly, maybe add a little extra food since its already winter and we are in the mountains
  9. @Daboyle @MWil23 @Forge @Malfatron Looks like it will be a rough go on the trail. Lets take stock of our supplies. Next town we come to we should stock up, what should we get?
  10. If only it was Kristen Bell or a pickle jar lol So.... Christmas night I woke up with a sound hitting my window, heard fluttering, got my phone and turned on the flashlight didn't see anything... Kept flashing it around the room and see something flying right above me. Somehow get out of my room and end up in a bathroom, turn on the light and the thing is coming right at me in the bathroom. Start swinging wildly, barreled through out the bathroom, (possibly trip) and crash into a wall... Bounce off the wall into another wall and almost down the stairs, but somehow make it into another bedroom... The flying thing somehow ends up downstairs and into a glass container... It was a bat Ended up at the ER for 5 hours, got 4 rabies vaccine shots and an xray cause I destroyed my hand in the process of everything. Turns out nothing was broke, but I have ligament damage in my thumb/hand. Won't know the extent for a few weeks Got the second round of the rabies vaccine, but thankfully the bat tested negative so I dont need any more shots Typing on a phone with 1 hand now sucks Mentally and physically this week has been awful
  11. We got 15 awesome...let's get to 20 and get on the trail My activity will be spotty/limited in length I'll try to post the story tonight, typing with 1 hand is a pain
  12. @theuntouchable Let's hit the trail together. We can team up with @squire12 and @Ragnarok as long as you all don't drink the dirty water
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