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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Did you all consider hitting Bcb? Did you all consider revealing your info at all?
  2. You showed me nothing my friend of an admission. You may make an assumption, but I am not
  3. Its cloudy due to Mwils refusal to make it clearer for sure...but reactions and reads prior help to form a bigger picture imo
  4. He red covid19d Bcb...which I believe he is no thinking it is a false positive to trick town as Touch was mentioning
  5. @Beavis Are you playing? Have you figured out how things work? Can you post, so we know you are doing ok?
  6. Take out Josh imo...there is no way 3 people came to the conclusion to hit Touch in the manner and timing they did and without actually pushing him...as town. It was scum imo. Worst case Josh is town and that clears two people as town
  7. I'm still highly suspect of Josh and to a lesser but now connected point, Daboyle
  8. Out of the three...MD4L and Daboyle I'd lean scum over Whicker, but that might be me assuming what his role is too much
  9. A very beautiful girl stated they knew who it was that killed Touch (most likley) and they would reveal by 4 PM EST. Said person narrowed it down to 6 people at that time, josh being among them...then Josh confessed shortly after
  10. So my theory (take it as such lol) Touch claimed gun owner and Josh (scum) took that as PGO and thought they couldnt kill him at night so they used the day hit on him. Plus people (rightly so most of the time) think highly of Touch and his gameplay
  11. @JoshstraDaymus Have you read the thread today? Have your "mason" members read the thread?
  12. Being indy here would be fun, sadly I'm hitched to the town side of things He was given a bomb (day vig) and used it on Touch who he claims came up as red lettered in 2 of 3 assignment cops that he and his total of 3 mason members all have. Didnt discuss said info in thread, no body pushed touch, hadnt voted, and then popped touch after Touch was pouring out his soul and really trying hard to game solve. To believe he is town means you think he is in a 3 man mason with 3 alignment cops, town also has a town seer, FBI agent, Mwils role (if town), and my role (unknown at this time)...seems legit to you? PS- sorry to hear about your work
  13. So you are gonna continue to not read or understand what is going on?
  14. Hitting Bcb who was essentially red lettered in a way would have still given ample time to get Touch lynched...this way though no conversation and Touch is gone...this was scum
  15. Josh If you all had 2 positive red letters why didnt anyone push Touch today before executing him...we have had a pretty lively debate since last night I call BS on this
  16. This isnt nice You make some mighty high assumptions here Now you want something from me...better start being nice to Jodelle and depending on my role...we shall see
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