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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I mean that's obvious 3 man mason lol So you all felt 2 sane and 1 insane? The logical inference there would be 2 insane and 1 sane if true imo So you all think it makes since to have a Seer FBI Agent 3 alignment cops 2 being real So 5 cops essentially at a minimum? (I dont believe this)
  2. I'll let Josh explain himself, but from my opinion...Josh targeting Touch with a day vig is scum
  3. The scum part is a little inference...but given the kill and who it is...I'd be willing to bet on it over Mwils vagueness in detailing what he knows
  4. 1) @MWil23 - Rocco 2) X 3) @Blue - Sir William Shakespeare 4) X 5) X 6) X 7) @JoshstraDaymus - Lando Calrissian 8) @Ragnarok - Connor McManus 9) @ET80 - Beef Supreme 10) @bcb1213 - Ron Burgundy Will one of you speak for the crime of exploding Touchy? You have until 4 PM EST to confess or I will reveal who it is
  5. There is probably greater than 97% chance I know...still some unknown though
  6. Get caught up...we need some more input. Conversation has stalled
  7. "Think" is appropriate and the way you use it is inaccurate here
  8. I think I have info on this and possibly know who it is. I believe they are scum
  9. So is your result 100% or are you basing everything on Bcbs reaction?
  10. I have info I need to reveal at some point today, but if you truly have info saying Bcb is scum...I really need to know it with more details...cause then we have two scum at least
  11. @MWil23 Are you town? Do you have a positive result on Bcb? I need specific yes or no answers to both questions and I can decide a way to proceed today
  12. You have a positive result on Bcb...and you are changing your vote to a read lol
  13. I wish someone could hit Bcb so we could move on You are acting like scum who caught scum
  14. That is meaningless. Give details please. It may help some better understand the game. The alignments so far (claimed and revealed) are indy, self, town. Why is somone having covid19 mean they are scum? You have outed a result...if you are town then scum knows this...explaining it wont change that fact and may help other town who are in need of some info to better understand the game
  15. So you can see Rags is catching up....but you ignore all the questions asked of you?
  16. ET did so after the lynch write up when his vote didnt count... @MWil23 Jodelle says man up and explain your role and results please. There is a large amount of questions surrounding it, help us if you are town
  17. @theuntouchable why town lean on Bcb given what has been discussed and claimed today?
  18. 1) @MWil23 - Rocco 2) X 3) @Blue - Sir William Shakespeare 4) X 5) @theuntouchable - Murphy McManus 6) X 7) @JoshstraDaymus - Lando Calrissian 8) @Ragnarok - Connor McManus 9) @ET80 - Beef Supreme 10) @bcb1213 - Ron Burgundy 11) @rackcs - Ol' Dirty Bastard 12) @The Orca - Jodelle Ferland 13) @daboyle250 - JCVD 14) @Forge - Butters 15) @squire12 - Ted Thompson 16) @James - Jeffrey Lebowski(millionaire) 17) @Dome - Kevin from the office 18) @VikeManDan - Ron Swanson 19) @kingseanjohn - Kirk Lazarus 20) @MD4L -David Buznik (Adam Sandler from Anger Management) 21) @Beavis - Vegeta- Prince of All Saiyans 22) @Matts4313 - Teddy KGB 23) @Whicker - Archimedes of Syracuse 24) @Nazgul - Jesus Christ I feel it's best to take care of Bcb today. It will give us an idea on the truthfulness of Mwil and I believe Bcb may be connected elsewhere
  19. @MWil23 Where did you go...need some clarification on your Bcb result
  20. There goes that word again...Jodelle hasn't contradicted or distanced. She welcomes friends Ok, at this point if you are gonna copy Jodelle at least pay her a compliment So...go on please
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