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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Yeah...my read on him is town and I'm at like a 98% success rate when it comes to him
  2. So the best thing as town is make you use up your finite lynches, then we can off any mafia or other we want...that's the optimal play
  3. I didnt get enough likes on the big one I posted, so...edited the count yourself
  4. Llama @rackcs you are ignoring simple questions I have asked repeatedly again Why vote llama right out of night, what changed from D1?
  5. Day 2 VC: Llama - 9 - Kotn, Racks, Josh, Daboyle, Malf, mwil, UNT, Counselor, PR, PR - 4 - TKN, Swag, Naz, Llama Swag - 1 - Orca Orca - 2 - Squire, Bcb Vote and Meme tracker: 2. @Dome - Vote and Meme 4. @gopherwrestler - Vote and Meme 007. @Slappy Mc - Vote and Meme 12. @rackcs - Vote and Meme 15. @wolfeyestrk - Vote and Meme 20. @Llamalover - Vote and Meme 21. @bcb1213 - Vote and Meme
  6. I didnt know. I dont believe you have two of those moves. Given your fake arguement with Swag (100 plus pages on nothing) and my assumption on you being out of moves, I believed you faked it in an attempt to move votes around
  7. Did you all really believe that fake argument and fake challenge.... @theuntouchable I think that makes me 1 for 1 so
  8. You want me policy lynched. Why should I explain it to you?
  9. You and Swag are scum together. Take it to the bank Keep making fun of me. I'm guessing it's the best you can muster We shall see
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