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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I wouldn't refute most of this. Except the liar part... it was just 1 thing I believe
  2. Quit talking with **** in your mouth. You are trash and your claims are trash. You suck so ******* bad at this game Why cant you be normal these games. Faking a power role and getting called on it D1 once again...you didnt fool me, so shove it up your *** That's factually incorrect. I would say I havent been great for "obvious" reaosns, but what has flipped I have been accurate. Maybe someone was right earlier Daboyle
  3. Called it, you ain't the Cop You tried lynching multiple people because they pushed you...claiming they were trying to kill the cop. Everyone told me last game the difference between my fake claims and yours...is you fess up, yet this game you tried to use it as means to lynch people And you left out all the evidence that points to my theory being correct lmao
  4. Swag converted/framed Counselor last night Kotn is Santa/SK Mafia is converting reindeer/elves to Naughty (or framing) That's why Swag knew Kotn was would flip Naughty I have no idea why Swag would invest or protect Counselor after yesterday This would explain just the 1 kill N1 and 1 kill N2 Swag If you want to subscribe to touch's protector theory have at it...off with Swag's head
  5. We could have kept going round and round Figured this when you told me dont lol Yep Nah, just Swag...but there is another interpretation Id be fine with this honestly Not really...but I also considered the alternative...which is far more naughty than Touch is portraying as for sure Swag is the BG
  6. @theuntouchable is there really a reason you dont want me to post my results....yes or no?
  7. @theuntouchable dont you love the double standard and hypocrisy
  8. I am listening...just being attacked by many to make fun of me constantly
  9. Reverse...You all made me share my info first last game...now its Swag's turn
  10. Im gonna out it if you keep this up. If he wants to play games I will as well
  11. If you were THE COP, you would have been redirected or roleblocked last night
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