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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. What? How is a Rolecop (if that's what he was) similar to JOAT
  2. I watched Squire thinking scum would break pattern and try to ensure a kill
  3. Come on over to the party. With you RB me and @Raves investing me...I'm gonna be cleared lmao
  4. Why do I care if I thought you were the dreamer. You could have watched any of my moves since D1. I thought you were the dreamer. That further validates my moves imo. If there was a chance of a watch/track when I claimed, why would I claim moves that could have been seen? Even last night you could have watched me...dumb luck? Trash mafia player just skating by? Again you are just spinning to further your already firm stance
  5. I'm not lying. Im town and JOAT. You lied about your move. How can we trust that? Only malf can confirm and no one can confirm his move But according to Malf if you say something...its confirmed truth
  6. Well you said it bluntly lmao. I was gonna take Matts step by step 1. Someone visited me N2 2. I faked a claim on Swag 3. Swag is immediately killed 4. Everyone claims and says they didnt visit me N2 5. They think Josh is scum and the scum Rolecop 6. He says he didnt use a move/forgot for the first 3 days 7. Conveniently says he basically randomly chose Nacho N4
  7. I know what he said...I want you to state it, since you like taking blind leaps I'm going to show you something
  8. Really? Talk about misinformation to spin a narrative lol
  9. My view Green: Pickle, Raves, Racks Greenish: Malf Neutral: Squire, Matts Scum: Josh, Nacho, NS
  10. Thats it. That everything except the D1 vote enhancement could have been watched/tracked/blocked/redirected etc
  11. Why would I claim moves that could be tracked/watched if i was scum. Assuming Matts is the watcher, why would I claim another move that could be watched?
  12. Josh or NS But do you see what I'm trying to get you to think about?
  13. Nope. Town JOAT Think about this in relation to what I have claimed my moves are
  14. Look at who would have been the team and they lost one day 1
  15. There is a plan everyone has just skipped that's way simpler and easier to follow and find out who is scum and win without relying on night moves at first Lynch Nacho, Josh, NS, and me. Tie and we all die I think scum is Nacho, Josh, and NS...I dont by a 5th binge eater and given 21 players and 4 (assuming Racks is town) vote enhancments having 6 red and 1 blue would help balance imo. So 7 scum out of 21
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