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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Seems like the minions feasting on nachos distracted you, because it's a gutter ball on the first bowl
  2. You wave to the minions and offer them some nachos...they accept without blinking
  3. You grab a ball and head over to lane 2. The minion Orcas are having their weekly tournament on lane 1
  4. The Orca wakes up and hears Mwil blurting out answers in a mini speed round @MWil23 is back in the game. You can not vote today or make an interactive move
  5. The Orca was furious at not getting his fill of blood shed from the previous lynching, so he was out for vengeance. He grabs @MWil23 by the head and drags him up to the landing. He has the minion orcas hold him down while he sticks a 23 hour grenade in his mouth and pulls the pin. "Now Mwil its time to put up or well BOOM! You have 5 guesses to correctly answer this word association type game correctly or bye bye forever. Please tag me in thread when you have selected a category and for each of your guesses." Prompt: When the group went back to their spots they saw where Dayboyle had been the previous day stumbling about and drinking rum. All that remained of him was a cut up body. When inspected it appeared the body was torn to shreds by a blade, which contained teeth that were similar to a chainsaw. @daboyle250 is Dead, he was Frankenstein Good Aligned It is now D8. It is no long necessary to make an interactive move.
  6. PMs going out. Please do not reveal any night info until I announce the start of D8
  7. Vote Count 5 Mwil- Bantle, Pickle, N4L, Squire, Forge 3 Squire- Mwil, Counselor, Daboyle @Llamalover will be roleblocked. Next time will be modkill @MWil23 is the lynch. Please select a category when you can You have until 11:35 PM EST to send in moves
  8. Vote Count 3 Mwil- Bantle, Pickle, Mwil 4 Squire- Mwil, Forge, Counselor, Daboyle 1 Pickle- Squire @Llamalover needs to make an interactive move and vote
  9. Too late. The beast has a taste for blood. He chomps down on your head before you have any time to recognize what is going on. Your head is about to pop like Touchs face..... A minion Orca is walking through the ballroom and well He is no more. While the beast devours the minion... You and Squire leave the room Squire is shocked
  10. You nude them into the room. The monsters sees you all and takes off at you teeth flaring and snarling
  11. Vote Count 3 Mwil- Bantle, Pickle, Squire 4 Squire- Mwil, Forge, Counselor, Daboyle 1 Forge- N4L @Llamalover needs to make an interactive move and vote
  12. You sneak up behind the beast and at the moment you are striking the beast spins and bites off your leg You step into the room and see the beast ripping Squires leg off
  13. You see a shoe kiosk, bowling lanes, concession with nacho cheese and hotdogs, and a gaming center
  14. Ylu let the mo ster loose on the house he comes charging at you Lots of hotdogs left
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