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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Death Tricycle Challenge....jeez keep the names consistent with the theme
  2. I can put together some word associations prompts and answers...it went over so well during the mafia game
  3. I should be posting my wiener stats this afternoon...who is ready
  4. 1. I agree town needs lynches and the overall set up of the lynch mechanic was done in a manner that was unbiased as much as possible and in a manner that no one could live repeatedly. If you lynched someone two times they were probably dead. Having lynchees possibly live is in a manner a combo of recent games where you have the godfather cant die until last, pardons, players with mutiple lives, players that cant die unless something happens, etc. It was just modified to the game instead of a specific person which I thought was the mad genius of the lynch mechanic Also the amount of guesses was factored in. I figured more guesses would potentially help town survive because with mafia and creepy able to discuss, having fewer tries favored them big time which would have been unbalanced imo See below on the time aspect 2. I totally get the no one should help with the question criticism. I truly debated until the last second whether to go that way or the way I did. It was a tough call. In the end it didnt really help, cause Pickle could only get 4/16 prompts right and some he was never getting right with 100 attempts. It was a good first test 3. I understand that you and others would rather the interactive stay in thread and during that phase, but imo that is a detriment to the mafia side of the game. People picking up a weapon and killing indiscriminately just for the sake of doing so would become an issue. Now introducing more day items, protections, etc may have worked, but at 28 people and an interactive phase would have been even tougher to manage imo. It's a good idea, just might be to much to be included with a nightly mafia game...maybe not though 4. Thanks for feedback! This probably for sure. Just didnt know how to do that first go around because I thought it would slow down the game and kill activity. Also didnt know about giving a short time frame on the lynch mechanic because of varying time zones and schedules. It was tricky to plan on the first attempt What's sad is most of us thought it was you and we still went ahead with your idea to do it, actually thinking it would kill "Touch". Which made it even more believable in thread and unbelievable for us after lol
  5. You could only convert the 5 normies and Touch That was kind of the point on the vote block. An evil twist on playing a game for a vote.
  6. Hey, I didnt play in the last game and it was like town went south 100 fold Kind of like this Just eating each other up lol
  7. We are all big boys that can put things in the past. I'm fine with everyone. Lets get a big time mafia game going Clean slate for all, new game new day Definitely not as complex as my game. I was overwhelmed and I was the host
  8. Play more games!!! @N4L @Cheesehawk @wwhickok It was great having you. Please play more mafia game in the future if you can!!!!!
  9. I could see that. I was thinking it was a added benefit also for town who get mislynched. Them surviving would drive mafia even more mad then they were (example Mwil and 5 lives lmao)
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