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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. You fix your missing leg so you dont bleed to death Two bodies lie motionless in the corner of the room You find nothing useful. Sir snake has a fest on Naz You find a cave wear the panther had been guarding. Its very dark I hope this is a joke lmao. Pg 1 will help
  2. The Orca shocks all of the guests to freeze them and draw their ears. "Well that last contestant wasnt much fun so let us have a Bcb try his hand" Bcb is fastened onto a table and a table saw started. It inched closer and closer every few hours "Now @bcb1213 I heard you like sports. Well try this word association out for size" Make sure you tag me with each guess Prompt: Best Sports Movie When the group was released from their state, they explored the halls and found a body that was unrecognizable. There were teeth marks everywhere like a large dog had eaten the body. @Nazgul was no more Elsewhere the group came upon the spot where @Malfatron had been the other day. His body was melted from the inside. Everything was turned into goup @Nazgul is Dead, he was The Purge, Good Aligned @Malfatron is Dead, he was Psycho, Good Aligned It is now D4. The Ice room and the Touture room are now open
  3. PMs going out. Do not post night info from the PM until I announce the start of the next day
  4. Slightly late...since you didn't have a full day you won't be penalized this time
  5. Vote Count 1 Malf- WW, 8 Swag- Pickle, Mwil, Daboyle, Malf, ET, KSJ, Touch, Bcb 1 Whicker- Bcb 9 Bcb- Whicker, Killerdorito, Forge, Bantle, Naz, Squire, Swag, N4L, Counselor 1 Counselor- Counselor @Slappy Mc @Cheesehawk Slappy and cheese will be roleblocked @bcb1213 is the lynch you can select a category as soon as you want Night moves are due by 10:45 PM EST
  6. Vote Count 1 Malf- WW, 8 Swag- Pickle, Mwil, Daboyle, Malf, ET, KSJ, Touch, Bcb 1 Whicker- Bcb 8 Bcb- Whicker, Killerdorito, Forge, Bantle, Naz, Squire, Swag, N4L 1 Counselor- Counselor @Slappy Mc @Llamalover @Cheesehawk
  7. Vote Count 1 Malf- WW, 1 Pickle- Touch 6 Swag- Pickle, Mwil, Daboyle, Malf, ET, KSJ 1 Whicker- Bcb 7 Bcb- Whicker, Killerdorito, Forge, Bantle, Naz, Squire, Swag 1 Counselor- Counselor @Slappy Mc @Llamalover @Cheesehawk @N4L
  8. @Slappy Mc @SwAg @Llamalover (wont impact because he was a replacement today) @Cheesehawk @N4L Slappy, Swag, Cheese, N4L....vote or me roleblocked, the next time would be modkilled
  9. Just meat Tastes like chicken Roger You find your hand and out it back on You enter the room Panther roast...which there is nacho cheese, hotdogs, rum, probably some popcorn and burgers as well in the bowling alley but lol Interactive moves end in 8 min
  10. There is nothing behind the screen The panther leaps for the rope and falls straight into the pit. It falls right into the spear filleting it down the middle. The panther is dead
  11. You have the spear so the sharp end up You set the bait down next to the pit the panther can be heard coming your way You take off and make it safely You find an empty box You drag ET to safety in the ballroom
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