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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Squire Man of few words this game Interesting comment Why? Also, you broke character for this post...any reason? I dont think there is enough info to conclude this @theuntouchable why no vote yet? Quick to scream town once he is finally on the block That is not what you said
  2. Just like last game he claimed a civ special early. What happened last game? Someone skipped night and I roleblocked Matts. Him claiming early again shows a complete disregard to the consequences. Possibly rendering him useless or being killed. Or a whole multitude of possibities. It also shows that he is more or less trying to stay alive vs his repeated posts that he just joined to get killed. Dont like it at all
  3. Right now I see a few possibilities for this lynch Matts- quick claims Vig, says he wanted to get killed this game but back tracks with certain posts Hockey- seemed focused on early votes changing to him more so than anyone else imo Kotn- only person up who hasnt posted today right? Woz- seemed to be drunk posting for him lol Touch- I'm reading civ early but not enough to go on Pickle and Mwil I'm reading civ
  4. I read you as interesting and exhibiting traits I deem as scummy for you. Almost like you are not up to be "lynched", so you dont care to read or who is voted
  5. Why do you think I was killed or lynched like 9 games in a row at one point on D1. I play the way I play and dont pander to the group. I see something I say it. Your scum game is not paying attention. Exhibit A is not reading the rules in the micro mafia and losing the game because of it...and now you are not reading again....that is interesting to me
  6. It's interesting that you havent read but you seem to be just throwing your vote around
  7. Interesting Yeah...what I was getting at was the similarities and differences between last game. That's why I was asking if it was Matts that was wanting to rely on night moves toward the end of that one. Seems to counter his play here imo. Also is counter to his repeated posts that he was willing to just sign up and die...but after a vote or two claims, then makes statments that imo is only to get votes off himself
  8. I state my stance You call it dumb I post including the quote showing my thought process You call it a fair point changing stances as it being dumb You then lump me in with Pickle implying I had multiple posts that you said were dumb, yet the 1 post you changed stances on and said it was fair Its 1 post that you have now jumped back and forth...could you clarify for me if my post was dumb or a fair point?
  9. Yep 1 post you said was dumb Yet you implied there was all of the other posts you said were stupid It took a few seconds...but you missed the point clearly
  10. This post to me came off as not wanting to take a stance until others chimed in. Like you had done it, but not sure if it will be perceived as good or bad
  11. @Matts4313 Were you the one toward the end of the last game that wanted to rely on night moves? Anyone who remembers can answer this for matts
  12. It feels like Racks did it and is trying to garner a feel for whether he can claim it in the future and everyone think he is town
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