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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Gopher should be out for a duplicate word. but time constraints make it we cant wait for a ruling lol
  2. @bcb1213 Dwight went out Then I went out Then Naz Then Rags Gopher wins I believe this is accurate Or Rags is out from the midnight one and no one has started i think
  3. Rags didn’t respond! I win! @Ragnarok he got you lol
  4. if mine is out then it went Naz because he tagged a player out and no tack backs, Rags never responded to Gopher and then Gopher
  5. spelling doesnt matter @bcb1213 already ruled on this
  6. Dwight tagged rags at 12:03 or whatever and its now 12;06 and he hasnt responded i thing
  7. Then rags never responded and he is out @bcb1213 please clarify
  8. Either rags or Dwight is out from the midnight and just after midnight time...1 for sure
  9. Time changed at midnight...how does that work lol
  10. I bet lol. I was too stressed out about moding the mafia game and the Florida Gators, Im probably going to just bow out eventually at this point
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