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Trailer Trash Mafia - N4 is Tonight @ Midnight EST


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20 hours ago, James said:

Not necessarily, though i'm sticking with mission barring new information.

Just kinda memey when the two of you stick the first two votes on a player when we're 20 minutes before night. Too open to shenanigans with stuff like that.

Oh, you're playing?

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20 hours ago, The Orca said:


Yes. Tk3 claimed fruit vendor and no one has confirmed today, he also ghosted the whole day basically. On top, Pickle gave me cookies and we were both on Tk3 earlier today...so how is this shenanigans...the lynch is a saftey lynch of an inactive lmao, instead of Woz or Tk3 who have been way more scummy

Nonsense babble, tbh

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20 hours ago, Malfatron said:

tk3 is clearly gave out some kind of gift that actually is useful.

the gift holder might not be claiming it yet because he doesnt want to get hit

mission is the better lynch

I have to assume you are being coy to protect the coy

The sad thing is, I honestly think some people don't know

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18 hours ago, Woz said:

Okay, so what do we know?

  1. In the three writeups (page 1 plus the two results), we've had two names in bold and two names in bolded green.
  2. Apparently, we're not going to be told the alignment of the people we lynch.
  3. That said, it seems unlikely that DUI Dewey and Banjoin' Billy-Bob are the ones who "don't belong in the trailer park."
  4. As such, with Malf/Petey's death if we assume a 9-2 starting position, we're at 6-2. If this is correct:
    1. At worst, we have only two days.
    2. At the same time, we've had no night-time kills beyond Billy-Bob's shotgun o' death, which seems more a fit of pique than mafia. If we get extremely lucky, we have four days.
  5. If I'm wrong and either Dewey or Billy-Bob are mafia, then we're 7-1 and in somewhat better position (3-5 days). I'm dubious of we're that lucky.
  6. If both were mafia, the game would almost certainly be over, so at least one was a mis-lynch, and again, given the names, probably both are.


People who have been fingered as primary suspects (have been vote leaders at various points)


Part of the case against me:

  • Meta-read: taying too focused on traffic, vote counts, not as much on the thread action
  • Disappeared at points along the way, doesn't seem as engaged as in past
  • Voted for one lynch (though, that was in part to dodge the noose himself)

Part of the case against Tk3:

  • Was a leading lynch target in day one, but managed to slide past the executioner
  • Claimed to be a fruit vendor
  • Disappeared for most of day two
  • Voted for both lynch victims (though, first one was to dodge the noose himself)


Feel free to chime in other things.

Don't be a sheep

It doesn't have to be a binary decision between 2 players

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17 hours ago, Pickle Rick said:

It was after the deadline so whatever he did in the thread would not have been allowed, unless it was an ability he had.  

What I was getting at, is potentially there are no night kills.  Each mafia member gets to hit someone from the "gallows" if they are lynched 

From a balance standpoint, if this is true then our assumption of a 9-2 ratio has to be wrong.

No way there could be a 9-2 ratio where the only mafia kill is after the first one dies.

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17 hours ago, The Orca said:

I still think the biggest thing is the shift in post content imo, I do see what you are saying though. Him and Tk3 I've kind of tunneled on for good reason imo

If you say so

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6 hours ago, The Orca said:

Orca- civ, Bigfoot Bobbi-Jo

Swag- Visited N1, woman talks about shadow government (confirmed), probably civ

Touch- Visited N2, diving into woods (confirmed), probably civ

Pickle- handing out cookies that were classified as "very classy stuff" (My quotations), though I don't think Dome would make it that obvious and I think it's purely flavor

Tk3- claimed fruit vendor with no confirmation, survived N1 lynch and then has gone MIA





Last night when I got back, some dude with a shaved head and tats top to bottom was banging on my door saying "I want to introduce myself, I've changed" I didn't let him in.

I believe all the dead people are civ so far based on their name, DUI, Banjoin', and Prankster. Can not confirm until we see different though


Not to be rude, but I'm almost embarrassed for you

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5 hours ago, SwAg said:

Malfatron is probably going to hate me (if I'm wrong) because I completely disagree with all of his dying remarks on tk3.

I think tk3 realized his thread capital was sapped on D1.  He lost the fight and he had to audible his thread strategy to accommodate.  He's sufficiently self aware to not feed the frenzied accuser when arguing from a point of vulnerability.  He attempted to disengage, then backed off.  Then I indirectly forced him into a role-claim.  Then he retreated to obfuscation and ambiguity, again.

I don't see Town tk3 being this passive, completely devoid of outrage about being unnecessarily forced to claim, and his overall treatment thus far.  He has exhibited incredible restraint, likely because the continued fight is a zero-sum issue, which is likely to his detriment.

You may be thinking "where was that restraint last game?" -- well, he was alone last game, in this game he is Mafia and has others relying upon him.  It's an entirely different dynamic.

Come fight with me, bro.  You no-good, deep state, Mafia piece of fish.

Yeah, because last game when I was in trouble as scum I was just so passive and devoid of outrage

I literally lol'ed at that one

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5 hours ago, SwAg said:

Malfatron is probably going to hate me (if I'm wrong) because I completely disagree with all of his dying remarks on tk3.

I think tk3 realized his thread capital was sapped on D1.  He lost the fight and he had to audible his thread strategy to accommodate.  He's sufficiently self aware to not feed the frenzied accuser when arguing from a point of vulnerability.  He attempted to disengage, then backed off.  Then I indirectly forced him into a role-claim.  Then he retreated to obfuscation and ambiguity, again.

I don't see Town tk3 being this passive, completely devoid of outrage about being unnecessarily forced to claim, and his overall treatment thus far.  He has exhibited incredible restraint, likely because the continued fight is a zero-sum issue, which is likely to his detriment.

You may be thinking "where was that restraint last game?" -- well, he was alone last game, in this game he is Mafia and has others relying upon him.  It's an entirely different dynamic.

Come fight with me, bro.  You no-good, deep state, Mafia piece of fish.

I guess this part is somewhat accurate

This cast of characters in general is not one that I can play with the way I typically like to.

I have a pair who are predispositioned to be against me, a handful of inactives that I can't do much with.. It was basically just you, Malf, and touch that I could interact with properly.

You were coming at me all game, which is fine.. but when malf turned on me as well, it kind of took the fun out of it. I mean.. no shade to him, if you have a read you have a read and I won't fault him for that.. but I just don't see the pleasure in trying to convince a headstrong Swag, stubborn orca/pickle, and a bunch of inactives to change their minds.. so I focused on my NSFL draft instead

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